Vedic astrology helps you find the Perfect Wedding Ring as per your zodiac
Future Point | 11-Oct-2018
Views: 25159Vedic astrology is the ancient science having the ability to foresee the future of an individual and again, suggest suitable solutions. In fact, some of the solution which are recommended in the form of Pooja, Mantra, Tantra or sometime, a more effective one in the form of Gemstone.
So much so, that a gemstone is more often recommended to enhance the beauty of a romantic relationship. The enhancement can even lead to love marriage or arranged marriage astrology solution. Though the fashion trends do change from generation to generation, still astrological gemstone and its significance has only enhanced from time to time.
Thus, astrology and gemstone play a vital role in our lives; to help all those who are yet to decide on their perfect wedding ring. These rings are usually recommended by expert astrologers who practice the profession in the form of love marriage consultant and so on. Here the horoscopes or kundali of the couples are examined and then suggested suitable gemstones, as wedding rings before solemnizing their marriage. While examining the horoscopes of the two, an expert astrologer would also check the Lagna Kundali Matching and then recommend suitable wedding ring gemstones to them.
Thus, we at Indian Astrology have come out with some suitable gemstones as wedding rings to a couple, based on zodiac signs. We at Indian Astrology, a team of expert and learnt astrologer, with our experience have recommended some wedding rings for the benefit of our readers. These guide lines have been kept in mind as per the marriage horoscope in general, and for specifics, readers can write to us for more information.
The Red planet Mars, rules this sign, therefore, a tinch of Red colour is what they would prefer while grooming them self. However, when it comes to wedding ring, the ideal one to them is a Red Coral. This wedding ring is even ideal to them on Love Marriage problem solution. Those with Ascendant of Aries should consider Red coral as a wedding ring. Make sure that the ring has a striking appearance so that no one should misses when you wave.
Sign owned by Venus, this is a sign that embraces Romance and love between the partners. They are native who would love fashion and new trends. Still, the attractions towards White Diamonds is irresistible by them. A perfect wedding ring of White diamonds would impress them on the most memorable occasion day of their life. Only make sure, the ring has a love textures and cuts because that makes you feel sensual and romantic.
Read: Premium Horoscope
A dual sign and sometimes, even confused. Geminis have been always confused when it comes to selecting their wedding ring. Though they are confused, still they can relax, as they have solutions too. With green as your colour and the ideal wedding ring them is an Emerald. But make sure, the geometric shape of the gemstone should sing aloud the creativity and liveliness of a true Gemini.
The sign is always soothing the radiance of love and comfort. They always love to embrace peace and romance and to enhance it regularly, a Pearl gemstone as wedding ring is ideal to them. Along with it, the soft lines and wave like shape of the diamond goes well with your Zodiac’s water element. This should be embeded in Silver, as the colour of white and silver go hand in glove.
Read: Online Horoscopes Matching Model Comparison
This Lionhearted individual are very passionate towards their partners and adore sparkle in every walk of love life. They look out for details and this is further enhanced by the radiance of a Ruby gemstone. Therefore, this is their perfect wedding ring and ensure that the blinding sparkle of the ring is actually the symbol of your infinite love to your partner. This would ensue constant love and even improve bonding.
A sibling to Emerald gemstone, this is a sign that demands the best in the form of love and commitments from their partners. Sometimes, their excitement reaches no height and this needs a balancing power. A love marriage astrology solution to them would be to is to wear an Emerald. You prefer a ring that shows clarity of thought without any drama and a square shaped Emerald ring is a perfect wedding ring for your sign.
The balanced sign, Librans are the perfect partners to their lovers. They are some of the few signs who are fit to wear a diamond and a blue sapphire for enhancing their romantic relationship. Just make sure that these rings stick to classic designs; a love band in platinum can be a good option for you as a wedding ring. You would be aroused by this and the occasion bestows good grace upon you.
Read: Lal Kitab Horoscopes
An intense sign and are known to be possessive of their personal life. Therefore, you are known to be some one who would not like to compromise in your love life. But yes, your possessiveness always attracts your partner as they would know that you are genuine and would make sure that would be do anything to keep them happy. In fact, the bonding between can be easily enhance with a Red coral, but make sure the lustre of the ring is the reflection of curiosity and your deep emotional self.
Being rules by Jupiter, your sign would believe more in head than in emotions. This would make them intelligent even in love matters. The perfect gemstone to suite you wedding ring is to go for a Yellow Sapphire. Since you are rational in selecting your gemstone, go for simple shapes, as you don’t entertain fussiness of any sort. This is also the solutions of a Love Problem Specialist, to your sign.
The sign of Capricorn, is always down to earth and prefer to be normal in their conduct. You are the epitome of elegance. This makes you attracted by your partner as they would be happy with you for ever. To enhance, your relationship, go for a Blue Sapphire gemstone as your wedding ring. The classic round or oval cut will never go out of style, and you’ll love how timeless it feels on your finger.
A level-headed sign, ruled by Saturn. You just can’t go with the flow. You want something which is out of the box and quirky. Your artistic nature will force you to design your own wedding ring. Hence you are also inclined with Blue Sapphire gemstone which would aid your personality. You can choose a wedding ring with a turquoise gem to go along with you water element.
Read: Personal Horoscopes
Ever Piscean have a dreamt about your perfect wedding ring. Hence, they are very choosy of their wedding ring and do not compromise with the same. The ideal wedding ring to them is Yellow Sapphire which would enhance your romantic relationship. Usually you may like something in gold studded with diamonds.
To know more reads can check out our Horoscope Matching online programme though our websites Some comes, we come across questions like will I have a love marriage or arranged marriage as per astrology which too can be addressed to though one to one consultation with our expert and learnt astrologers.