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Active, Demanding, Determined, Effective, Ambitious

Lucky Color :Red
lucky number :5
Ruling Planet :Mars

Today is the day of expenditure or depression. You might get negative results on all fronts. So be patient and recite the mantra of Moon to get rid of from the problems. Mantra is - Om Shram Shreem Shraum Sah Chandramase Namah. Be cautious while going on journey. Lovers will be passionate and they will enjoy the company with each other.

The beginning of the week is giving strong indications of increase in income, fulfillment of desires, co-operations of siblings and happiness from children. During these days there are strong probabilities of getting opportunities for the creation of a strong source of income. The mid of the week indicates down fall in health, happiness, state of mind and finance because of failure in accomplishing important tasks along with sudden stress and increase in expenses. The concluding part of the week indicates extra pressure and stress on mind, domestic happiness would get affected and there would be lack of harmony among family members however your confidence and working efficiency shall remain intact. Relations with mother and spouse would be excellent.


This month the combination of stars facing you is quite helpful to your health. Those with sensitive chest or lungs, and predisposed to ailments in this area, are likely to get significant relief from their troubles. There is some danger of exhaustion and accompanying debility caused by over-exertion. This you surely and simply could avoid by not unduly exerting yourself. This done, all will be well. This would also help you get over the possibility of some nervous disorders that exists, though somewhat of an outside chance. Take care and you can make sure of remaining in the pink of health throughout the month. Pay a little more care to the health of your teeth.


The picture of your financial prospects, as it emerges from the augury from the stars is far from bright. Writers, poets and others of their ilk would do well to make provisions for the rainy day, for they are likely to face an extremely lean spell during this coming month. Indications are that some of you would suffer considerable losses owing to speculative activity. The lesson is obvious : stay away from gambling of any sort. There is also the likelihood of your relations with your superiors, deteriorating to a level that serious losses would become probable. This you should avoid, by a certain amount of advance action.


There is nothing very auspicious about the augury for your professional advancement this month. There is a strong likelihood of serious differences of with your superiors. You must avert such an eventuality by trying to anticipate difficult spots and working your way round these. Further, you would be gripped by a sense of insecurity throughout this month. This would effect your entire professional conduct. You would be somewhat unstable, and attempt to change your job or business operation, any change you undertake should be carried out after due and serious deliberation. You would also work very hard, and chances are that despite this that the realization of your planned objectives would not come about.


This month your pursuits in education may get bogged down in difficulties, since you hardly have any support from the stars. All examination results this month, for most of you would be below expectations, to say the least. Those appearing for competitive examinations should therefore, go in for extra coaching well in advance. Even then, this may prove to be an uphill task. Technical students and those pursuing journalism and accountancy would have to work much harder than usual to maintain their ranking. Those pursuing crafts and technical trades would remain largely unaffected by the vagaries of fortune.


Nothing particularly beneficial about the augury from the stars, in so far as gains from travel are concerned. Writers, poets and others of their ilk may not have the most pleasant of travels. In fact, some could well be seriously effected owing to the unproductive nature of their sojourns. You would travel alone mostly by rail or by road, with a fair measure of air travel. A foreign trip also cannot be ruled out. However, it is very unlikely that these efforts would involve even a holiday, which may not be too pleasant. East is the most favourable direction.


During the coming month, the stars are not very helpfully placed, holding out little cheer for the prospects of your family welfare. There is a distinct possibility that some of you would have serious differences with the elders of the family, leading to extremely unpleasant situations. Even otherwise, the family atmosphere would not be very pleasant, with harmony among the members nowhere in sight. Such circumstances would adversely effect the children. Pay special attention to them. Financially also, you all may not do too well. Under the circumstances, plan your expenses carefully.


Nothing particularly favourable about the augury from the stars this month in so far as the prospects for your children are concerned. The performance of the wards of most of you would tend to be below average. This may become a cause for concern. It would in any case be necessary to go in for extra coaching in quite a few cases. Those sitting for any competitive examination would also require extra coaching, since this would be very necessary for positive results. There is also the likelihood of serious disputes with servants and such people. Parents should keep a tight sight on their wards, wherever they see undue indiscipline.

This year, Saturn would remain in Aquarius Sign Eleventh House and Rahu in Pisces Sign Twelfth House. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in Aries Sign (Ascendant) and on May 01, it would transit Taurus Sign Second house. Mars would have its transit with its normal motion. Venus would remain combust from April 29 to June 28.


Beginning of the year would be auspicious from work and profession perspective. You would have noticeable progress in your professional world and domain of work as Jupiter has its aspect on Seventh House. This would add to your income. There are indications for having novel ways of income. It is an auspicious time to start a new business/venture. Jupiter in Ascendant would clear the path for developing novel views and planning which could be availed of and you might take your business to new heights. At present, your luck also stands by you so you might attain success in minimum possible time. The effect of Rahu in Twelfth House could instigate your latent foes to create problems and hindrances in your work. But by applying your wit and intelligence, you would succeed in overcoming them. Still you must go on accomplishing your tasks without vesting faith in anybody. Those who are in service would get success after April. There would be enhancement in respect, prestige and reverence along with promotions for those who are in service.

Wealth, Property

Beginning of the year would be auspicious for economic perspective. Due to favorable factors for business, there would be enhancement in gaining wealth. Saturn posited in Eleventh House could create gains for you by your brothers. You would be recipient of gem stones and ornament etc. after April month. You could get your long outstanding money. Celebration of auspicious ceremonies in the family could cause an expenditure of money. Be cautious as far as investment in concerned because of Rahu in Twelfth House. If you are desirous of making investments, it is vital to seek opinion of experienced persons. Do not take any important decision in haste or all of a sudden. Accomplish your all tasks in a well-planned way.

Work, Profession

This year would see rising sun as far as family perspective is concerned. Peace and harmony would prevail in your family. A feeling of mutual understanding and cooperation would crop up among the members of the family and this ensures emotional attachment with each other. After April, there could be an increase in number of family members. This increase would be either by a marriage or a birth. Brother would extend their full cooperation. Your status and prestige in society would be on rising steps. Your relations with your maternal uncle and maternal aunt would be highly loving, harmonious and melodious.

Family & Society

Beginning of the year would be highly auspicious. For combined aspectual effect of Jupiter and Saturn on Fifth House, your children would pave a path of progress. More interest towards their studies would develop. It is most appropriate time for impregnation. If your progeny is running in marriageable age, she could celebrate her marriage ceremony. Time period is much favorable for your second child. Your Children would get distinguishable success in domain of their work. You would be proud of your children.


Beginning of the year would be quite favorable for health point of view. Because of Jupiter in Ascendant, your health would be in a fine tuning. Pious thoughts would always crop up in your mind which provides your mental balance and satisfaction. You would have an addition to your positive energy. Pay special attention to your food habits and make your daily routine a planned one. Weather borne diseases would not east any significant effect. Time period after transit of Jupiter would turn more favorable. Most of your time would be spent on undertaking journeys because of Rahu in Twelfth House. Still no adverse effect would be on your health.

Career & Competition

This year would cast its spell for success in competitive examinations. If you are ambitious for seeking admission in a highly reputed institution to receive admission in a highly reputed institution to receive higher education then beginning of the year is very much auspicious this purpose. Time period is conducive for students as Jupiter has its aspectual effect on Fifth House. After transit of Jupiter, competitors would get success in competitive examinations. Time period after April is auspicious for employment.

Travel & Transfer

This year would be auspicious for journey perspective. There are probabilities for long journeys in the beginning of the year. There are indications for foreign journeys because Rahu is posited in Twelfth House. Be cautious for your health while undertaking a journey.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets

Beginning of the year would be auspicious for performing religious deeds. Because of aspect of Jupiter on Ninth House, Your spiritual knowledge would add up a new chapter. This would enhance your interest in worship and other religious ceremonies. You could take a Guru Mantra and do meditation. 1. Wear DurgaKawach Path every day. 2. Install Sphatik Shree Yantra in your house and light a lamp of Ghee in front of it every day. 3. On Wednesday, offer jaggery kept in bread to a black dog so that dog eats this bread.

General Characteristics Aries

The people born under the Zodiac Sign Aries are curious, energetic and enthusiastic individuals, who want to initiate and make things happen rather than being mere spectators. They have a tendency to increase their personal, social and political influence. They are talkative and can talk about anything and nothing. The need for excitement push them into new territories and makes them extremely action-oriented. Ariens do not think much rather believe in coming into action actively. Arien’s are innocent, clean hearted, energetic and aggressive. They are independent, generous, optimistic, enthusiastic and courageous. They are born leaders and great followers and are popular in society and state. They are generally sparkling, happy, bubbling over with zest and high spirits. They are sensuous and emotional. They engage themselves in lively discussions or friendly debates and can talk on serious topics. They do not practice much before giving any performance as their artistic talent is natural. They lose their temper very quickly but get pacified also easily. Despite having fiery temperament they rarely start any fight. But once it has begun they can go to any limit to eliminate their enemies.

People talk a lot about Ariens as they have some special type of popularity in society and because of some unique qualities of being pushing and action oriented they are famous in their cast, society and family. Arien’s are not diplomatic at all. They are successful in those professions where courage, vigor and strength are needed like police, military or sports. The most suitable areas or professions for Aries are – Research, Medicine and related fields, Surgery, Mechanics, Athletics and Sports, Fire-fighting, Adventure Travel, Engineering, Psychology, and most importantly, Entrepreneurship. A hard core Arien is popularly known as a Casanova because of his several amorous adventures. Their romances are sudden, of the highest passion, rising to the highest crescendo like a rocket but immediately of short duration. They have highest organizing capacities. An Arienman is a complete man and can be highly compatible to a woman in love but one can not take his advantage because his temper can get converted into a fury and after that he shall never look back.

They suffer from Headaches, Burns, high fever, and Paralysis, Pimples, Migraines,Small Pox and Neurological problems. They require plenty of rest and sleep and also good food with lots of vegetables.

Physical features Aries

Middle stature, lean and muscular body, neither stout nor thick, long face and neck,broad head, mark or scar on head or temples, teeth well set, round eyes, curly hairs.They have muscular body and are of middle stature generally.

Auspicious years Aries- 16, 20, 28, 34, 41, 48 and 51.

Inauspicious years Aries - 1, 3, 6, 8, 15, 21, 36, 40, 45, 56 and 63

Their lucky gem is Coral.

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