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Ruling, Warmth, Generosity, Faithful, Intiative

Lucky Color :Red, Gold Yellow
lucky number :19
Ruling Planet :Sun

Today you will feel slightly depressed. There will be hurdles in your work today. Be cautious while driving. Investment in speculation will be okay. Difference of views / opinions with spouse will result in argument. It won't be a good day for your love life. There may be pain in your left leg. Control your speech otherwise you will get into unnecessary problem.

The beginning of the week appears to be excellent for your marital bliss but you might have to spend money on the health of your spouse. The friendly advice of spouse would prove beneficial for controlling the uncontrolled expenses. The mid part of the week is very frustrating for you because there are chances of getting disappointment and failures in accomplishing important tasks and apart from that you would be facing difficulties in managing your day to day affairs because of non-availability of funds. The obstacles that you shall be facing in your emotional relation would make you feel irritable. You are advised not to lose your patience and confidence in difficult times. Avoid undertaking some important tasks during this time.The remaining days of the week are indicating probabilities of your going on journey which would prove beneficial for you at least for overcoming the tensions that you are facing presently. The support and encouragement from father would also restore your confidence in a much better way.


This month the stars facing you have a lot that is encouraging for your health. Any tendency to tooth trouble of one kind or the other can be expected to become far less bothersome. There is, however, a note of caution against over-exertion, since this could easily upset a favourable and positive scene; chalk out a fresh schedule, that does not unduly tax your system. Any neglect and carelessness on this score could be quite bad for your health. The rest is all good. A tendency to nervousness would also not bother those already predisposed in this manner. A fairly beneficial month during which you are unlikely to face any serious health hazard.


A very helpful, month in so far as your financial prospects are concerned. Many of you would reap a rich harvest of sudden gains, that are likely to come your way. Others would gain from speculative activity, making handsome profits. Most of you would be able to derive quick, useful results from your efforts. Others among you would have a way of handling your juniors or subordinates that would enable you to derive optimum benefit from their services. This could well be the most important gain in a month that is even otherwise quite gainful. Further, there is a distinct possibility of substantial profit through a service or favour done to you by some old gentleman.


A month that is not favourable for career advancement and would additionally pose a need for caution. There is a distinct possibility of serious differences with your superiors. This should be prevented as far as possible. Try and be patient, and steer a course away from trouble spots. There would also be a good deal of travel which would appear to be a pointless exercise which would bear no fruit, though there is some percentage of a minor sort in a sojourn towards the west. A lot of hard work would also appear similarly pointless failing to bear any fruit. Such a situation may lead some of you to be tempted to operate outside the law for quick profits. Curb such tendencies firmly, if you do not wish to invite disaster.


There is nothing particularly beneficial, about the augury from the stars this month, in so far as your educational prospects concerned. Practically all examination results of most of you would be below expectations, to say the last. Most of you would also have to struggle quite a bit for the realization of your goals. Even then, not much success may come your way. But there is always hope for those who persevere in the face of adverse circumstances. Technical students and students, medicine would have to work much harder than usual to maintain their ranking. Those sitting for competitive examinations would achieve success, though only after a great deal of hard work.


A month during which the rewards from travel would be sizeable, since the stars are quite favourably disposed. This month you would undertake part of your travel for business purposes and the rest for other reasons. You would tend to travel alone mostly by rail and by road with a fair measure of air travel. A trip abroad also cannot be ruled out. In all this you would be eminently successful, whereby your business targets would be fully realized. You would also have an extremely pleasant spell of travel. East is the most favourable direction.


The affairs of your family are unlikely to have smooth sailing this month, since the stellar influences are all negative. There is a distinct possibility that some people below you in the social strata could create trouble for you all, to the point of causing serious harm. Deal with the situation firmly, and do not let matters get out of hand. The family atmosphere would even otherwise be far from pleasant, and harmony among the members nowhere in sight. Bleak circumstances that are bound to effect you all adversely, but no one as much as the children. Under the circumstances you should pay special attention to them.


There is nothing of a beneficial nature in the augury from the stars in so far as your children's prospect are concerned. There is a distinct possibility of the wards of a good number of you all getting into fights or some serious disputes with servants and such people. Parents would have to use their direction and firmly discipline their wards in some cases. To add to your woes, most of them would not perform very well at their studies. Most of them would therefore, not only need a lot of encouragement, but also a measure of extra coaching. This would apply particularly to those appearing for competitive examinations.

This year, Saturn would remain in Aquarius Sign Seventh House and Rahu in Pisces Sign Eighth House. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in Aries Sign Ninth House and on May 01, it would transit Taurus Sign Tenth house. Mars would have its transit with its normal motion. Venus would remain combust from April 29 to June 28.


This year would be fruitful in respect of work and profession. Since Saturn is posited in Seventh House, so you would attain success in your work and profession. You would make a progress in profession because of your luck. If you are involved in a partnership business then a handsome desired gain awaits for you. As Rahu is posited in Eighth House, so your competitors might raise an ugly head to obstruct accomplishment of professional undertakings. After April, you would receive a cooperation of higher officials or senior persons. These who are in service get promotion in their respective rank. Those who are engaged in land related activities would have gains. Professional would bag a noticeable profit.

Wealth, Property

This year would yield rich crops as regard to economic perspective. You would succeed in pocketing desired savings because of favorable environment for business. In the beginning of the year, you would incur expenditure on articles/items providing physical comforts and conveniences. After April, Jupiter and Saturn both have aspect on Fourth House. This indicates acquiring of land building, vehicle along with gemstones and ornaments. There are indications for expenses on auspicious ceremonies regarding family members or relatives. If you shall have to make a considerable investment, it is indispensable for seeking advice of experienced persons of concerned field. Transit of Rahu is not favoring investment. There could be a dispute regarding ancestral property.

Work, Profession

This year would be auspicious for family perspective. In the beginning of the year, due to over engagement, you would not be able to devote due time towards your family. An environment of peace and harmony would prevail in the family. Since Jupiter is aspecting Third House, so an additional a feather would be added to cap of your social prestige. After April, time period is turning more favorable for family point of view. Additional mutual cooperation understanding and emotional attachment would be experienced in the family. You would bag cooperation from senior members of the family. You would remain in merry making mood. Your attraction for the family would rise up. This time period is good for father but not so in respect of in-laws side.

Family & Society

Beginning of the year is favorable for children perspective. Newly wedded couples would be blessed with offspring as propitious Jupiter has aspect on Fifth House. Children would prove to be providential. They would acquire higher education. If your first child has attained marriageable age, prepare yourself for celebrating his/her marriage ceremony. After April probability for admission in a high profile institution for higher education is indicated. This year would be of average grade for your second child.


You would enjoy a good health in the beginning of the year. Fifth Aspect of Jupiter from Ninth House would be on ascendant and this is a very strong indication for disease fee physical body and enhancement of working proficiencies. Mental peace, happiness and pious thought would be an addition to your personal traits. You would enjoy a sound health. After transit of Jupiter, Rahu posited in Eighth House could affect your health all of a sudden. So, it is essential to be cautious about health at that time. Be selective for your eatables. You would feel physical weakness off and on. Taking exercises and practicing Yoga would prove to be a boon for you.

Career & Competition

Beginning of the year would be favorable for students. Aspectual effect of Jupiter on Fifth House is an excellent indication of children. A notable progress would be there in the field of education. Continuous efforts would be put in for higher education. After April, aspectual effect of Jupiter on Sixth House would boost up the self-confidence of these who are engaged in preparation for competitive examinations. There would be avenues for employment.

Travel & Transfer

In the beginning of the year on Third House because of aspectual effect of Jupiter some short and unimportant journeys would be undertaken. There would also be long journey since Jupiter is posited in Ninth House. These journeys would be enjoyable and fortune enhancing. Friendship with a nice person would develop during a journey. These who are in service, could be transferred. Since transit of Saturn in Eighth House is an indication for some problem, so be very cautious while performing a journey or driving a vehicle.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets

In the beginning of the year, because of effect of Jupiter in Ninth House, you would observe some special worship, fire sacrificial ceremony, religious performance, ritual, religious ceremonies with a fixed aim and the like. You would develop more propensity towards devotion to god because of Jupiter has aspect on Fifth House. 1. Donate blue articles/items in charity on Saturday and recite Rahu Mantra. 2. Rahu Mantra - "Om BhramBhreemBhrrownSah Rahway Namah". 3. Recite DurgaSphatik Path or wear DurgaBeesaKawach in your neck. 4. Offer water to sun every day.

General Characteristics Leo

Warm, action-oriented and driven by the desire to be loved and admired, the Leo have an air royalty about them. They love to be in the limelight, which is why many of them make a career in the performing arts. They forget and forgive quickly. They are good in establishing and running organizations. Leo Traits suggest that Leos are warm spirited, eager to jump in action and are driven by the desire of being loved and admired. Leos are full of lazy strength, which comes forth at the time of need. They are also immensely ambitious. They would continuously aspire to reach to the highest peak of whatever they do. Leos love being at the centre of attraction. They are party people and love to be with large crowd of admirers. However, Leos are often sensitive to criticism and don’t take the words of critics lightly. Confident, ambitious, loyal, encouraging, expressive, forceful, dominant and born to rule and are frank, generous, magnanimous and ambitious in nature. They have firm will and forgiving spirit, are voracious readers. Fond of pleasure and luxury, even with limited resources. They are extremely capable of inspiring confidence. They make use of every opportunity that arisesJealous of own fame and unlikely to become a victim of flattery. They have king sized ego. Very quickly they lose their temper and very quickly they shall retrieve it back. They always want to do something big and small things do not appeal to them. They have greatness thirst upon themselves.

Leo is very independent but they need something to control and someone to admire them and appreciate them. They are fully capable of being greatly successful on their own but they are much happier if they have an audience and a following of people who look up to them. They would prefer not be alone. They have a tendency to protect their self respect. Leo people don’t like to speak much. They are highly successful in administration. Considering their fine communication skills and love for spotlight, acting, direction, dancing, event planning, media, public relations etc. are good career options for Leo. Given their acute aesthetic sense. They may also shine well in the fields of designing, animation, painting, modelling, anchoring etc. These majestic beings also have a healing touch, which is why they have potential to make a good career in medical professions. Gets specialization in one field. Charm, attracts opposite sex, ideal lover. Very sexy, fond of non-vegetarian food, fond of wandering in distant places, mountain, hills etc, afraid of cold.

Likely to suffer from inflammation, Sunstroke, Epilepsy, Rheumatic fever, SpinalMeningitis, Heart problem etc.

Physical features

Full stature with well developed bones and broad shoulders, commanding and majestic appearance, oval faced, upper part of the body generally well formed, thin waist,blue or yellow eyes. Their body and their gait is as fit and as balanced as that of a lion.

Auspicious years – 19, 21, 28 and 35

Inauspicious years – 5, 13, and 48

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