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Balance, Justice, Truth, Duty, Perfection

Lucky Color :Brown
lucky number :3
Ruling Planet :Venus

Students shall take interest in their studies. For lovers it shall prove to be a lucky day. Businessman can take major decision for their business, if you are in service then your day will be normal if you are planning to invest in speculation then this is the best time for you. You health will be sound and you will be more active.

The beginning of the week indicates your great compatibility with your spouse and you will be very happy as she would take proper care of your children. She would act as your best friend, guide and advisor. Your partners would prove their abilities. These days are likely to prove especially favorable for earning gains from speculative activities. The mid days of the week are giving indications of your energy's excessive exhaustion in handling issues related to debts, disease and legal disputes. This is a very difficult time for the health, happiness and mental state of your spouse. This is not at all a good time for partnership venture. The concluding part of the week is excellent for having good compatibility with spouse and in addition to that you shall also have better understanding with your partners.Conjugal bliss shall be highly exciting.


This month the stars are in quite a mood to bless your health, and you should remain in the best of health during most of this period. Any tendency to bouts of sudden acute sickness like fevers and inflammation, would be significantly relieved. They would in all likelihood, not bother you at all. This would also apply to people with any sort of tooth trouble. In fact, any trouble related to your dentures should be treated seriously, and would stand good chances of getting cured. This is a favourable period, for your health and those already in the best of health, can expect to remain just as healthy.


Nothing very favourable about your financial prospects this month, according to the augury from the stars. Most of you would have to struggle quite a bit to maintain your status. And the opportunities would be virtually non-existent. There is a distinct possibility of your relations with your superiors deteriorating considerably to a point where you might have to suffer a loss on this account. Some of you would be inclined to concentrating unduly on earning unaccounted money. This would not be in your interest and should therefore be rectified. Further, the climate would also be far from congenial for making investments and launching any new ventures. Such plans should therefore, be shelved for the moment.


This month you should have ample opportunity to advance your career since the configuration stars facing you is quite favourable for this. Look forward to a good deal of extremely beneficial travel. The most favourable direction would be east. You would tend to work quite hard and go for your objectives with business-like efficiency. This would succeed admirably. There is also a distinct possibility of change in the venue of operations, whether it be a job or business. This, too, would be for the better. All told, this month would be extremely beneficial for your career prospects, and there is much that could be achieved during this period.


Nothing particularly favourable about the augury from the stars this month, since the stars are not in a obliging mood. Most of you would find yourself struggling to achieve your objectives, and even then not getting anywhere. Those going in for higher education would find their efforts getting bogged down in difficulties, not the least of which would be to find the right opportunity at the correct time. Those pursuing crafts and technical trades would remain largely unaffected by the spell of adverse circumstances. Candidates sitting for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching, well in advance. Examination results would be quite poor this month, for most of you.


A good month to reap a harvest of sizeable dividends from travel, since the augury from the stars is very encouraging on this score. Those aspiring for higher studies or training abroad or in some far off place, have excellent chances of their attempts going through smoothly. You would tend to travel alone mostly by rail by road with a fair measure of air travel. A trip abroad also cannot be ruled out. Only a part of your sojourns would be for business purposes. Whatever the reason your trips would get you what you are looking for. East is the most favourable direction.


This month there is very little of a pleasant and encouraging nature in the augury from the stars in so far as your family welfare is concerned. There is a likelihood of serious differences with the elders of the family. An extremely unpleasant prospect. Therefore, you should strive to avert such an eventuality. The family atmosphere would even otherwise be quite undesirable, with harmony among the members nowhere in sight. Such circumstances can only be bad for all of you. But they would be worse still for the children. Pay special attention to them, since they would most certainly be the worst effected.


A month during which the prospects for your children are not to bright since the stars facing you are not very helpful on this score. The wards of a good number of you people could get into serious difficulties with their teacher. This would seriously endanger their studies. Parents must intervene whenever necessary and in case necessary be firm and discipline their wards. The performance of most of them would tend to be below average at studies. This means greater efforts would be called for. There appearing for competitive examinations must go in for extra coaching. Those pursuing higher studies would not fare well in their examinations.

This year, Saturn would remain in Aquarius Sign Fifth House and Rahu in Pisces Sign Sixth House. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in Aries Sign Seventh House and on May 01, it would transit Taurus Sign Eighth house. Mars would have its transit with its normal motion. Venus would remain combust from April 29 to June 28.


Beginning of the year would be auspicious for work and profession perspective. Combined transitory effect of Jupiter and Saturn in Seventh House stores high gains for you from your profession. There are probabilities for having novel sources of income. During this period, you would begin with a new business/work and there are probabilities for getting success. You would be recipient of cooperation of experienced and senior persons. If you are running any business in partnership, you would have desired gains and remain satisfied with the partner. There would be an addition to name and fame of persons in jobs. After April, time may turn a bit adverse. At that time your competitors and foes could create hurdles for you but you would be victorious over them because of effect of Rahu in Sixth House.

Wealth, Property

Beginning of the year would be excellent for wealth and property. There would be incessant flow of income. You would keep yourself busy in acquiring wealth with allegiance for making economic status stable and strong full cooperation of your spouse and elder brothers would be at your disposal. After April, Jupiter has its aspect on Second and Fourth Houses which indicates gain of land, buildings vehicles, gemstones and ornaments for you. Auspicious ceremonies in respect of family members and relatives would call for expenditure from your own pocket. This is favorable time for making big investment.

Work, Profession

This year would bestow peace and development upon the family cooperation of your brothers would be at your hand in the beginning of the year. Jupiter in Seventh House guarantees your melodious relations with your wife. If you are bachelor, you could get married during this period. Your social status and rank would be more prestigious than at present. You would participate in social activities enthusiastically which adds ups to your prowess and valor. Your name and fame would shift from inner circle to enter circle of society along with respect and prestige. After April, a peaceful and harmonious environment of your family would be further strengthened because of aspectual effect of both Jupiter and Saturn on Second House. At that time, there are indications for addition of a member in the family. Your relation with in-laws side would not be harmonious.

Family & Society

This year would be auspicious for children perspective. Saturn being in its own sign in Fifth House would add to prowess of your children. Your children would climb the ladder to achieve their goals by dint of their well-directed efforts and devotion. Time period is auspicious to a desired degree for your second child he/she would have all-round development. If he/she awaits marriage, it could be solemnized during this period. After April, Jupiter in Eighth House could disturb peace of mind of your children. Health of your children might also be adversely affected. This effect of health would have a negative effect on education of your children.


This year would be highly auspicious for health point. Pious thoughts would crop up in your mind since propitious Jupiter has its aspect on Ascendant. You would accomplish every task in a constructive manner. Your food habits (diet) and occupations of the day would be excellent or maintaining good health. You would stick to pure vegetarian diet which makes your health more adaptive due to the effect of aspect of benefic planet on Ascendant. If there happens to be a weather borne disease, you would soon recover from it. If you are facing any health problem earlier, be very cautious since time period could become more adverse after April. Therefore, you shall have to be very much careful about your health at that time.

Career & Competition

This year would be auspicious for caner and competitive examination perspective up to a remarkable high degree. You would succeed in competitive examinations for Rahu is posited in Sixth House. Those who are engaged in electronic or hardware related professions would grab success in their professional world. Those who are in search a job would be enrolled as an employee. This year would be victorious by defeating your enemies. Businessmen could establish their own brand names. After transit of Jupiter, time period for business community might turn a bit towards adversity.

Travel & Transfer

This year would be favorable for journey perspective. There would be frequent short unimportant journeys because of aspect of Jupiter on Third House. Businessmen would undertake journeys in connection with their domain of business due to effect of Jupiter posited in Seventh House. After April, Jupiter casts its aspect on Twelfth House hence you would make a trip to a foreign country. This journeywould make a trip to a foreign country. This journey would provide you a big gain.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets

This year would be propitious for religious activities and ceremonies. In the beginning of the year, you would develop more inclination towards worship and meditation. You would accomplish a fire sacrificial ceremony (Hawan) by having company of your wife. You would also earn virtues by performing pilgrimages. Saturn being posited in Fifth House would induce enriched faith in god. After April, Jupiter would have its aspectual effect on Twelfth House. Due to this aspect, you would spend expeditiously for donations, charity and other pious deeds. By doing so, you would have a feeling of spiritual enlightenment. An expense could be done for orphanage or education of poor and needy children. 1. Adore sun and offer water to sun every day. 2. Install Shriyantra at your home and light a lamp of Ghee in front of it. 3. Distribute banana or Laddus of Basan among the poor on Thursday and observe a fast on Sunday.

General Characteristics Libra

People born under the sign of Libra are peaceful and fair, and they hate being alone. Partnership is very important for Libra -born, and with their victorious mentality and cooperation, they cannot stand to be alone. The Libra is an Air sign, with expressed intellect and a keen mind. They can be inspired by good books, insurmountable discussions and interesting people. People born in Libra have a graceful body: for example a pretty person with a round head and quite a small person with a nice face, for example a high forehead; a thin nose; a dimple; pale, and thick eyebrows. They are also charismatic. The symbol of Libra is balance and Librans have a tendency to maintain balance in everything they undertake. They are affectionate and avoid getting into an argument. They are known for their beautiful smile, cheerful disposition and romantic temperament. They are diplomatic, graceful, peaceful, idealistic, hospitable, gentle, compassionate, courteous and honest. They can be successful artists, business persons and politicians because of their balanced approach. Famous for judgement, weighs pros and cons thoroughly before coming to a conclusion. Covets the prosperity of others but never fails to help dependents. Upright and sympathetic but flexible and sensitive. Anger is soon pacified.

Thinks of others more than self and can argue with clarity and foresight. Always for justice, harmony, love and peace at any cost. Being an airy sign, they are ardent lovers of nature and its beauties. Changes abode to undertake frequent travels and loves high standard of living. Takes interest in their dress, furniture, conveyance, and other comforts. Libra natives are co-operative and make good team-mates. Persuasive and balanced in their approach, they are good at marketing and making presentations. They like to mediate, to arbitrate in disputes and to balance things around them. One of their innate missions is to work for peace and harmony in the world, imposing justice and order with the help of their inborn diplomatic skills. Since Libra natives have natural artistic and aesthetics abilities, they do well in the careers that require them to socialise, to teach, advise, guide, and to harmonize associations. Therefore, they are well suited as diplomats, judges, public relations consultants, advisers, psychologists and artists. Expert traders,usually popular, makes a good business partner. Wins goodwill and popularity in public. Make good salesman, liaison officers, and receptionists. Lover of art and female society. Loved by fortunate females.

Liable to suffer from problems in kidneys, pain in spines and infectious diseases. Females may have problem in uterus.

Physical features Libra

Tall slender, well proportioned strong body, handsome appearance, fine skin, baldness in middle age, eyebrows add to the beauty, nose little bent like parrot, gap in teeth, raised forehead.

Auspicious years - 18 to 27 and 28 to 42

Inauspicious years - 8, 15, 62 and 64

Their lucky gem is Diamond.

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