The Hand of General Sir Redvers Buller, V.C.
The right hand of General Sir Redvers Buller, Platen, is a remarkable example of two lines of head on the same hand. One is contained in the level of head and heart crossing the palm from side to side. The other, the line from high up on Jupiter, The lines from the line of life on the base of the first finger are also worthy of interest, The hand itself is long, of the intellectual type, while the thumb stands out clear and distinct, the embodiment of willpower and determination. The fourth or 'little finger' is the one badly developed part of this hand. Sir Redvers Buller was a man with no great command of language or gift of eloquence, and was unable to defend himself when the moment came when speech would have been a valuable asset, I have written about the indications given by the fourth finger in Chapter 11, (Part I)
Indian Astrology | 01-Jan-2014 22837