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Communication, Indecision, Inquisitive, Intelligent, Chageable

Lucky Color :Yellow
lucky number :7
Ruling Planet :Mercury

Today is the best day of the week. Definitely you shall get honour and respect in society. Businesspersons will get more order very easily from different resources. This is the time to invest in speculation. You will not rely upon your self. The day shall be average with some happiness and some confusion. So take all important decisions wisely and after thinking over that.

The beginning of the week is highly auspicious for the attainment of name and fame. There are great probabilities of attainment of reputation and social status along with power and position. The favor of authority, senior officers/government would come easily. This is the right time to take initiative for creating a platform for the attainment of rise in career. In the mid of the week you can expect gains from business/increase in income, consolidation of source of income with government support. You are likely to get support and cooperation of your elder brothers. In the concluding part of the week you shall suffer a lot because of mental tensions, unnecessary expenses, disappointment and frustration because of obstacles in the accomplishment of important tasks. Your health and happiness might get affected. You would suffer from the problems of mood swings. Don't lose patience so that you don't get affected from adverse situations.


This month the combination of stars facing you is quite helpful for maintaining your continued good health. Any predisposition to an easily disturbed stomach and digestive organs would get significantly relieved. So will chronic ailments of the chest, like coughs, colds and asthma. There is reason for you to be careful about the health of your teeth, since this would bother you, but with proper dental care, you can ensure that nothing untoward happens. Further, there are some grounds to believe that you might have a tendency to be irritable and in a slightly disturbed state of mind. Remain calm and balanced, for with a little effort, you maintain very good mental and physical health.


Nothing particularly favourable, about the augury from the stars, in so far as your financial prospects are concerned. There are indications that speculation would result in serious losses for some of you. Therefore, you should stay away from gambling of any sort. Relations with your superiors or employees are also likely to come under a cloud, to the extent that serious loss would become almost certain. But this you can prevent by some concentrated action and advance planning. There would also be some among you, who would concentrate unduly on generating unaccounted money. This would not be, in your best interests and could create trouble for you. The climate would also not favour investment or new ventures.


A month of excellent opportunities for going ahead in your profession. You would work very hard, and with the instinct of a hunter pursue your objectives with single-minded efficiency. This would ensure success. There would also be a good deal of travel, which would prove quite beneficial both for realizing planned objectives and for generating fresh opportunities. There is a distinct likelihood of a change for the better in your job or important alterations in your business operations. However, any change should be carried out only after careful deliberation. This is even more important because you would tend to feel somewhat insecure, despite things going very well for you.


This month your educational pursuits would bear fruit since good fortune would remain with you most of the time. Those pursuing a course in engineering can look forward to a particularly beneficial time ahead of them, during the coming month as can also the artistically inclined. Those pursuing crafts or technical trades would also have an extremely beneficial time. During this month, most of you would be blessed by a clarity of thoughts and sharpened mental faculties which will make learning quicker and easier. Candidates for competitive examinations can also look forward to success, but only after a great deal of hard work. In fact, this month success would come to all of you only after a great deal of hard work.


The prospect of gains from travel are somewhat remote this month, since the augury from the stars is not favourable on this score. This month you would tend to travel alone and do so mostly by road and by rail, with a fair measure of air travel thrown in. Further, there are chances that you might go abroad for work or for a holiday. However, it is quite certain that these efforts would not be able to generate the expected profits nor bring the expected pleasure and satisfaction. The most favourable direction would be East.


This month the augury from the stars is quite beneficial in so far as your family affairs are concerned. You can look forward to celebrating an addition to the family with much fun and merriment. The family atmosphere as a whole would remain extremely pleasant with harmony among the members. This would beneficially effect all of you, particularly the children. They would tend to be good-natured and also do well in their appointed pursuits. Financially also, you all can expect to do fairly well, with a big increase in the overall family income fairly certain. A beneficial month in most ways.


A month during which you can look forward to fewer problems with regard to your children, since the augury from the stars holds out the prospect of a beneficial time for them. The stubborn amongst them would pose fewer problem and be more amenable to reason. However, most of them would be able to do quite well in their pursuits. Discipline may remain a problem and would have to be worked out. Where attitudes are antagonistic towards all authority, a certain degree of patient reasoning would be called for. This would also be a time when parents should help in the proper choice of vocation or trade, for those who are at that stage.

This year, Saturn would remain in Aquarius Sign Ninth House and Rahu in Pisces Sign Tenth House. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in Aries Sign Eleventh House and on May 01, it would transit Taurus Sign Twelfth house. Mars would have its transit with its normal motion. Venus would remain combust from April 29 to June 28.


Beginning of the year would be of overage quality for work and profession point of view. In the beginning of the year, due to aspectual effect of Jupiter on Seventh House, you would achieve success in your business. To begin with a new business/venture it is the appropriate time. You would bag success in your works. You would receive full cooperation of brothers for your business. Because of combined transitory effects of Jupiter and Saturn on Eleventh House. You would have cooperation of officials and senior persons. This would add to your income. After April, your secret enemies or opponents could create hindrances in accomplishing your tasks. Don't take any decision in haste for making any investment at this time.

Wealth, Property

Beginning of the year would be fruitful for economic perspectives. Jupiter being in Eleventh House guarantees for incessant flow of income. This year is particularly auspicious for growth of sources of wealth. After April, you would draw comforts from land, buildings and vehicles. Auspicious ceremonies would be celebrated in the family. You would make some huge investment during this time period. Before taking a decisive step with regard to investment or economic affairs, it is indispensable to seek advice of experienced persons connected with the concerned domain.

Work, Profession

Beginning of the year would be favorable for family perspective. You would be unable to devote sufficient time for your family because of preoccupations. But an environment of peace and unison among the family members would prevail. You would be recipient of full cooperation of your brothers. Your social status would take a step forward since Third House receives aspect of Jupiter. You would be always at your toes for accomplishing social activities.

Family & Society

Beginning of the year would be favorable for children perspective. Aspect of Jupiter on Fifth House would augment progress of your children. They would achieve their goals by dint of their hard work. Newly wedded individuals might be blessed with progeny. Your second child would experience all-round development and there are excellent ways for having progress. If he/she is of marriageable age, his/her marriage could be celebrated. After April, time period could be a bit ill affected. So be very cautious at that time.


Beginning of the year would be auspicious for health perspective. Mentally you would be balanced and satisfied. You would undertake every task in a constructive and planned way. In the absence of type of problem or worry, you would have a sound health. After April, your time period is flashing towards a bit adversity. At that time minor diseases might affect your health adversely. Because of Jupiter in Earthy sign in Twelfth House, you might be down with some communicable disease or weather borne disease. Take care of your health under such circumstances.

Career & Competition

This year would be auspicious for success in competitive examination perspective. Aspect of Jupiter on Fifth House would be auspicious for the students. Admission in a higher ranked educational institution is imminent. After April, combined aspectual effect of Jupiter and Saturn on Sixth House would because a factor for competitors to get success in competitive examinations. Unemployed natives might get employment.

Travel & Transfer

This year would cast its spell on journey perspective short journeys would go on in the beginning of the year. After April, Jupiter posited in Twelfth House strongly indicates probabilities for foreign journey. You might undertake long journeys because of Saturn in Ninth House. Aspectual effect of Jupiter on Fourth House is an indication of visit to birth place for those who are residing at a distant place.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets

This year would be exceedingly auspicious for religious deeds. You would take more interest in revering god or reciting Mantras. After April, you would involve yourself in doing more donation and charities. 1. Install MahamritunjayaYantra in your house and worship it daily. 2. Serve Brahmins, elders, religious preachers, a priest in a temple. 3. Donate pulses, banana, Laddus of Besan and other yellow colored articles/items in charity and observe fast on Thursday.

General Characteristics Gemini

Geminis have a dual nature and therefore seem changeable, sometimes reckless and fickle. Totally flexible and adaptable, they can work at multiple tasks simultaneously but they may lack persistence. These people are curious, clever, sociable, witty and adaptable with good communication skills. They are poor in terms of making quick decisions. They make friends easily and are charming and curious. They may have difficulty making decisions. If they learn to harness their efforts in one area they tend to be very successful. They make great salesmen and can talk you into anything they want to. They are funny and most of them like to dance. Bold with keen understanding of human nature, humane and sympathetic. Remarkable for ingenuity, originality and intellectual ability, capable of grasping situations on spur of moment. Liable to lose from fraud and deception, get providential help,unusual power of adaptability. Gain competence in all mental pursuits. They lack in concentration, determination and quick decision making .

They have natural inclination towards learning and education. They are good in mathematics and statistics. Tend to become experts in mechanical sciences. Business like attitude and have wealth of information in every matter. Many brilliant conversationists, poets, orators, writers, musicians, are born in this sign. They are successful in professions like financial management, accounts, teaching and banking industry. They can become very successful chartered accountants. These people are also known for their variable temperament, restlessness, impatience. Follow two occupations. Can take up new assignments and be successful in them. Suffer continuous misfortune in service. They should avoid talking too much about their tasks and let their actions speak more than their words. They should also avoid getting deeply involved in chitchatting. Their office is likely to be filled with all kinds of phones, computers, fax machines, and various other gadgets. The purpose of their life is to bring people closer, spread information, sponsor businesses, to create solutions, and to teach – so, any career which calls for these qualities would perfectly suit them. They earn honor in society. Obstacles and losses through females. They must be cautious in moving with opposite sex. Interested in philosophy and religion. Weakness for women and adept in winning their affection. Always welcome to any social gathering. Marriage is full of interest and excitement for them.

Liable to suffer from Colds, Bronchitis, T.B. Eosinophilia, Influenza.

Physical features Gemini

Tall and well formed body, height above average, long slender hands, moderate complexion,depression near chin, active and clear speech, sharp and active eyes, black eyes,long nose, mole on face.

Auspicious years - 33 years to 46 years

Inauspicious years gemini- 47 to 56,

Their lucky gem is Emerald.   

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