Know the best and worst zodiac signs in 2023

Indian Astrology | 16-Nov-2022

Views: 7842

When was the last year you labeled the best year for you? You probably got married that year, promoted, or got your first baby. The reason can be anything, but something extraordinary must have happened to make you remember that year. The same story repeats for bad memories also. Why do events occur in a specific year?

We don't experience the occurrence of special moments now and then. There is a time for anything special to happen. Who decides this time? In association with the transiting planets in the sky, our planets in the birth chart make things happen for us. New Year 2023 is almost here, and we are curious to know what this year will bring. The yearly horoscope 2023 suggests the fate of all zodiac signs. Which will be the luckiest and most miserable sign in the year 2023? Read to know-   


Aries yearly horoscope says the year 2023 will bring wonderful results for you. Saturn will transit in the 11th house of the zodiac, which is a great position for Saturn. Here, you will succeed in all your endeavors and make gains through your social contacts. There are chances of promotion, and business people will make huge gains. Many may go for expansion in business and can also start new business ventures. The lord of the house of fortunes, i.e., Jupiter, will be there in the ascendant. This is again an excellent position making a Rajyoga for the natives. The individuals will get the support of luck, and many may go on foreign travels. There will be harmony in your married life. Students will do exceptionally well and may go abroad to study. However, take care of your health, as Jupiter in the first house may make you fat and lazy.


The yearly horoscope report 2023 for Taurus predicts a beneficial year for the natives. Rahu will transit in the eleventh house, which is excellent for making monetary gains. Saturn in the tenth house will boost your business and profession. Saturn is the yogkaraka planet and its transit into the tenth house of career is a welcoming move. The transit of Saturn will occur in January only, which means the whole year will bring good results for the profession. Financially and career-wise, the year will bring fruitful results. Stomachache and indigestion may trouble you this year. Jupiter in the twelfth house can increase your expenditures, but you will spend on good causes. Take care of your health, as problems like diabetes, thyroid, and obesity may trouble you.


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The year 2023 will be the most awaited year for Gemini natives. These natives will finally complete their Shani dhaiyya in January. There have been a lot of troubles in past years, which suddenly will get over with Saturn's transit. Saturn will move to their ninth house and will bring support of luck for them. The religious inclinations will improve, and many may travel abroad for business and religious purposes. Jupiter in the 11th house will bestow its blessings in the form of financial gains. The social circle will increase with the receipt of awards and recognition of your work. Rahu will move to the tenth house, but before that, its conjunction in the eleventh house with Jupiter till September will bring positive results for them. You may change your house towards the end of the year. Business and profession will be fine. The health of the natives will also improve. 


The year 2023 will invite troubles in your lives. However, some good and bad will follow, but mostly it's not favorable. Talk to an astrologer to understand the bad effects of the planets on your zodiac. Saturn in the eighth house will make your dhaiyya period start. There are chances of illness, accidents, imprisonment, etc. The career horoscope 2023 suggests a difficult period for you. Jupiter in the 10th house may help your business grow, but unforeseen delays and obstructions will follow. If Jupiter is bad in your kundli, then Jupiter in transit will also not bring many favorable results for your zodiac sign. Health needs special care as there are chances of some major diseases cropping up. Rahu in the ninth house will reduce righteousness inside you. You may not follow your religion and may get attracted to other religions. Many may travel abroad, but times could be more supportive.


The year 2023 will bring favorable results for the Leo natives. There may be delays in marriage for those waiting for it. Partnership business may not flourish, but you will do well in a sole proprietorship. There are chances of change in the house or workplace. Jupiter in the ninth house will make you religious, and you will find interest in charity work. You may go on a pilgrimage also after April. This transit will help to move ahead spiritually and make good gains. Rahu in the eighth house may create problems from September onwards. The best astrologer suggests driving carefully and taking a nutritious diet in the coming year. Rahu in the eighth house may make your travel abroad. You will feel laziness in your behavior with Saturn casting an aspect at Lagna. Focus more to avoid mistakes in your work.


The first quarter of 2023 seems to be beneficial in all aspects, including health, career, and relationships for Virgo natives. The year will prove somewhat auspicious until April 2023. After that, unforeseen obstacles may follow. This is the year to make sudden gains through inheritance. Jupiter in the 8th house will considerably reduce the birth chart's efficiency. Many may tie the knot in the beginning months of the year. Saturn in the sixth house will prove favorable for career and job. You will win over your enemies with some obstacles and difficulties. Take care of your health, as muscle pain or hospitalization chances are there. Expenses will be more this year.


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For Libra natives, the year 2023 will bring mixed results. Jupiter is in the sixth house till April; after that, it will move to the 7th house to give good results. Saturn in the 5th house is beneficial for the students but those in love relationships will have a difficult time. Rahu in the 6th house will make you win all kinds of competitions. You may fly abroad for studies or a job. There will be conspiracies at work, but you will overcome them easily. Take care of your health, as some backache, stomachache, acidity, or indigestion may bother you. Rahu's position in the 6th house of your online kundli will make you fortunate in 2023. 


The year 2023 will bring mixed results for the Scorpio natives. The natives will start their Saturn dhaiyya by it moving to their fourth house. There will be changes at the workplace, and you need to work hard to get desired results at work. There will be mixed results regarding finances, career, health, and relationships in 2023. Jupiter in the sixth house will improve your conditions in your job. However, you need to take care of your health as sugar or obesity may follow. You will feel secure financially, but at the same time, expenses will be more. You may change your place in 2023. There will be spiritual gains after September 2023. Relations with the family will be good.


The Sagittarius yearly horoscope report for 2023 suggests a wonderful year for the natives. There will be career, finance, education, health, and wealth advancements. The sadesati will get over, and the natives will breathe a sigh of relief. Saturn will give you abundant benefits in property, career, and recognition. You need to work hard to accomplish goals, but you will succeed in your endeavors. Happiness in life will be excellent. Jupiter in the 6th house will increase the chances of getting pleasant results in your career, wealth, and finances.

Rahu in the 6th house will make you win over your competitors. After September, Rahu in the 5th house will make you gain through speculative activities. You may meet spiritual Gurus to lead you toward spiritual development.


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The Capricorn natives will experience several outcomes in terms of profession, career, work, finance, and health. The year 2023 is particularly bad for your health. Rahu in the 4th house and Saturn in the 2nd house may create health troubles for you. The natives may experience a big change in their career after April, with Jupiter joining Rahu in the 4th house. You may need to make financial commitments for your family and home.

Saturn in the second house in its own sign will improve your financial position. Your savings will increase with some investment plans. The 2nd half of the year from September 2023 will bring huge gains with Rahu moving to your third house. Transit of Rahu in the 3rd house brings considerate gains for the natives. Rahu's placement in the 3rd house of courage will promise rapid growth in your career. 


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 Aquarius natives may face problems in their careers and finances in 2023. Planets are not in favorable conditions for you. Saturn in the first house will make you lethargic, and you may wander for no reason. However, you will feel strong inside but not perform your tasks due to illusionary security in your mind. The relations with the spouse may also not remain good. Jupiter in the 3rd house will bring the support of your siblings. You may travel for religious purposes. Rahu in the second house may affect your speech. You may speak lies to cheat people. If you apply manipulative techniques here, Rahu may help in your career and profession. Talk sweetly; otherwise, arguments may follow. Jupiter will prove beneficial for you in 2023, giving you financial gains and recognition in life. Rahu in the second house may wipe off your savings, and thus take caution while spending money. There may be arguments in the family.


Saturn in the 12th house of Pisces natives will start the sadesati period of the natives. There will be financial and mental stress on the natives. Jupiter will stay in ascendant till April, giving strength and wisdom to the natives. With its moving to the second house, the natives will make financial gains through family and profession. However, the expenditure will be more than expected. You must exercise control over your deeds and stay calm while making decisions. You will get new opportunities in your career after April 2023. Rahu in the 2nd house may wipe off your savings. You may become harsh in your speech. There are chances of going abroad. You will find interest in the occult and esoteric science with the placement of Ketu in the 8th house. Jupiter in the 2nd house will keep you calm through 2023.