Charge Your Garden Through Vastu & Attract Positive Cosmic Energies
Indian Astrology | 01-Jan-2014
Views: 7916Vastu: An Introduction
In today’s stressful living we are always looking at ways to improve the quality of our lives. Stepping into the garden is a wonderful way to relax and restore inner peace. A house with well planned flowering plants not only enhances the aesthetic beauty of the place, but contributes considerably to our environment. Vastu is an occult science based on cosmic architecture written & compiled in a scripture called Vastu Shastra about some 7,000 - 10,000 years ago in India by men of great wisdom known as Rishis. They observed nature and recorded how the planets, primordial elements, directions, the magnetic poles, the makeup of the land, soil, slope, structures and more affected all living things.
Vastu Shastra is the oldest recorded architectural treatise known to man and it is from this science that some of the world’s most enduring structures have been created.
‘Indian Astrology’ offers the Best Vastu Shastra Course Online that prepares a student to become a Professional Vastu Consultant.
Garden & Vastu
A well-tended and designed garden using the principles of Vastu, will benefit you and the members of your family for years to come. By reconnecting with the intrinsic balance within nature using basic Vastu principles, you will experience better health, improved relationships, and enjoy an enhanced sense of well-being.
It must be noted that Vastu principles apply not only to the concrete structure of the house and to intimate items, but also to the environment outside and the plants and gardens surrounding your home. There is a deep bonding between man and nature.
Nature in the form of trees and plants, and water bodies like fountains, ponds and waterfalls can be incorporated in our environment to remain connected to the natural world. Consult with a Vastu expert if you want to know the Lemon Plant at Home Vastu effects!
A pleasing garden adds to the vital ‘prana’ and positive vibration in your environment. A subtle blend of design, shape, colour, appropriate plants, water bodies can enhance the positive vibrations in and around a house. Office, homesteads, multistoried buildings, housing complex, hospital, library, school and college building and its surrounding places should be decorated with gardens to make the place attractive with enchanting beauties and at the same time, it keeps the environment well.
Pointers for Making a Garden as per Vastu
Follwoing are some pointers that must be kept in mind while making a garden in a house:
- The garden should be made at the north-east side of the house.
- The garden should be full of flower trees and decorated with different plants.
- Flower pots should not be kept on the wall of the building in the north, east or north-east as it would result in blockage of light and air from these directions.
- Water source or tap in the garden should be in the north-east direction.
- Levels of the south and west portions of the garden should be higher than the other portions.
- The Center of the garden should neither be raised nor should it have depression.
- Tulsi and other medicinal small trees should be planted at the north-east side.
- The trees which have big leaves will have to be planted at the south-west side and the fruit tree will have to be planted at the middle of these two.
- It is not good to plant a big tree in front of the main entrance of the house as it creates obstruction in front of the door.
- The trees which produce white gum like rubber tree, chhatim, manasa, cactus, bonsai etc. are inauspicious.
- Again the trees with thorns like cactus should also be avoided but, rose is an exception.
- Plants of decorative flowers can be placed on the boundary wall.
- The houses by the side of a big road should be planted with Neem and Ashok trees as these trees protect from pollution & insects.
- Each home has a boundary wall and trees should be planted to make the boundary wall strong, according to the ancient scriptures.
Garden and the 5 Elements
Not only can your garden be a place of enjoyment and beauty, but by creating harmony in your garden through the way of Vaastu, you can bring peace and happiness also into the lives of those you love. According to the science of Vastu, all five elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space) need to be in harmony. When a seed is planted, it requires that all five elements be balanced for it to germinate, sprout, and become a strong, healthy plant.
The disproportion of any element-whether it is the quality of the Earth (soil ph), the amount and quality of water, wind (air), sun (fire), or the amount of space in which it is planted has the power to inhibit its growth. In this way a wise gardener sets up a balanced environment for his plants to grow free from disease and stress.
Briefly, each area of your garden is associated with one of the five elements. The Earth element is associated with the Southwest area, providing a sustaining and grounding force for the garden. In the Northeast, the nourishing water element enhances growth. The fire element in the Southeast supports healthy disease-free plants. The Northwest is related to the air element, encouraging cross-pollination for new growth in the garden. The space element is associated with the Central area of your garden, enhancing the flow of beneficial influences that nourishes the other elements. Speak to a Vastu Consultant to know Lemon Plant at Home Vastu effects and you could benefit from that.
How to balance the Five Elements in your Garden?
Here are 5 suggestions to bring the five elements into balance in your garden and make it a heaven that is not only beautiful to look at and wonderful to spend time in, but will actually have an empowering effect on the health and well-being of you and your family.
- Build up the southwest area of your garden to produce the stabilizing force of the earth element. You can do this with a rock garden, tall trees, and even a stone statue. This area is extremely helpful in collecting and holding the positive solar and magnetic energies coming from the east and north. Since yellow is the color associated with the southwest, choose daffodils, roses, or wisteria as color accents in this area.. The southwest is also a good place for storage.
- Represent the water element in the northeast by adding a fountain, pool, or pond so that this beneficial energy will be reflected throughout your garden. Use low plantings in the northeast that will not block the life-enhancing Sunlight coming from this direction. Plant herbs, white pansies, or geraniums as color highlights in this direction.
- Add a barbeque or a fireplace in the southeast area of your garden to enliven the fire element. The color red is related to this direction so plant tulips, geraniums, roses, and dahlias in the southeast to enliven this element.
- Wind chimes, a play area with a swing set, or a compost pile will balance the air element in the northwest. Blue is the color connected to this area, so plant bluebells, forget-me-nots, and iris to enhance the influences coming from this direction.
- Represent the space element by an open patio area in the center of your garden where you can sit and commune with nature. Finally, keep your garden neat and tidy by pulling weeds and removing dead plants. Doing so, you will support the balance of the five elements and attract the positive influences inherent in each of the five directions.
Plants & Trees that could be planted as per Vastu
Here are a few simple Vastu suggestions for planting of various varieties of plants & trees for garden within the house limits:
- A Tulsi (Basil) plant is a very positive influence within the limits of a house.
- Plants of Palm, Paraspeepal, Pakar, Sirish, Neem and Bilva, if planted in the proper direction,that is the North or the West, bring
- Bilva, Madhuka and Peepal are very favourable on the West of the house limit.
- Udumbara (Goolar)and Panas are favourable towards the South of the house limits.
- Kanakchampa in the North brings virtues and wealth.
- A water pond in a Northeast, North or East direction, with Lotus, is very favourable.
- The entertaining unit for the children is recommended towards the North-West of the garden.
- No large plant should be planted exactly in the center of a site.
- There must not be any Palash, Kanchana, Sleshmataka, Arjun and Karanj plants within the house limits. If they are already present, then balance them by planting Ashok, Nirgundi and Sudarshan plants in the appropriate directions.
- Thorny succulent plants must not be grown within the house limits. Cacti are considered very dangerous and harmful for a residential unit. They purport to bring tensions and create fractious relationships. If you keep them, it is preferable to keep them separately and outside the house.
- The Ber plant should not be cultivated within the house limits. It increases enmity. Plants of Bamboo should never be grown within the house limits.
- Garden must not have any fountain in the center. A swimming pool in the center, towards the South, South-East or South-West and even the North-West creates undue events. It leads to loss of health & wealth of the residents. A swimming pool/fountain is favourable in the Northeast, North, East or even in the West.
- Huge, heavy statues or other exhibits are favourable towards the South-West, South or the West.
- There is no harm if pet animals and birds nests are in the north-west corner.
- Big trees should be avoided in the space surrounding the building and inside the boundary wall. The roots of big trees can damage the base of the wall compound and the building. The roots of big trees absorb the invisible power of the sunlight quickly. The good effect of these powerful rays is not obtained by the building.
- If there are trees around the building, they should not be tall or have thick leaves and not in the east or the north direction. They block the auspicious Sun rays. There is no objection to such trees in the west and the south direction. However, such big trees should not be only in the west or in the south direction but in both directions.
- Useful trees of 3 to 5 feet height can be in the east and the north directions. There should be no tree of any kind, big, small, useful or otherwise in the north-east corner.
- No plant brought from a temple, bank of a river, stolen from any place or given by a person whom you dislike, should be planted in your plot. Saplings brought from a nursery should be planted.
- No creepers, however beautiful, with flowers should be raised on the compound wall of the building in the east or the north direction. Creepers can be planted only in the garden. There is no harm to have a money plant in the house. However, it should not be planted outside the house with the support of a tree etc.
- Only around a temple, Banyan tree in the east, Audumbar (a type of banyan tree) on the south side and Peepal in the west can be planted, observing all the rules regarding the planting of these trees. These trees should not be planted around a residence or the place of business.
- Any big or small, proper or improper, tree should not be planted in front of the main entrance of the building in any direction. Banana, Papaya, Mango, Pineapple, Lemon Nilgiri, Ashoka or Jamun trees etc. should not be in the east or the north direction of the building. If yes, then paucity of funds is experienced. Only in the south of the west there is no harm in having Ashoka, Almond, Pineapple, Nilgiri, Coconut, Neem, Lemon trees etc.
‘Indian Astrology’ offers the Best Certificate Course in Vastu Shastra that provides the most fundamental yet incredibly important knowledge of the divine architectural science of Vastu.
Set up a garden in your house that is in compliance with the sacred principles of Vastu and turn your garden into an area that attracts, houses and spreads positive cosmic energies and casts auspicious effects on the residents of the house. Remember, striking the right balance and achieving harmony among the five primordial elements in your garden as well as your house at large is the key to living a blissful & content life.