The King of all Planets- Sun has just entered its Sign of Exaltation Aries!

Future Point | 17-Apr-2019

Views: 22773

What does it mean for you?

Sun who is the king of all planets has just transited into the fiery sign of Aries which is also the sign of exaltation for Sun. Sun becomes extremely powerful in the sign of Aries and so is its impact on this world at large. So what will Sun's transit in Aries from 14th April to 15th May 2019 bring for you?


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Let us look at how will this mighty & authoritarian planet impact your lives as per your Ascendant Sign.


Sun is the Lord of the 5th house of your natal horoscope and is transiting in the 1st house. 5th house is mostly associated with intelligence, speculation and love while the 1st house or the ascendant is primarily associated with the overall personality.

Here, Sun is heavily promoting the chances of landing up with a government job (if you are planning/preparing for one). But even for those who are employed in the private sector, this transit of Sun is signifying an increase in your name & fame along with strong chances of a pay hike, promotion or simply recognition & praise of your work by higher officials. In a nutshell this transit of Sun will prove to a boon for you!


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Sun is the Lord of the 4th house of your natal horoscope and is transiting in the 12th house. 4th house is mostly associated with comforts & conveniences, mother, vehicle and property while the 12th house is mostly associated with expenditure, foreign travels/settlement and hospitalization.

There will be an increase in your expenditures. You can go for the purchase of a house or vehicle during this time and if you are planning to travel abroad, then this transit of Sun is strongly favouring that event. The most important message for you is: "Beware of your enemies as they will be very active during this time and will try to inflict harm on you."

So avoid confrontation & arguments and keep your eyes and ears alert during this time.


Sun is the Lord of the 3rd house of your natal horoscope and is transiting in the 11th house. 3rd house is mostly associated with courage, short travels and younger siblings while the 11th house is mostly associated with gains and realization of desires. This transit will be very positive for you and you are likely to travel both domestically as well to far foreign destinations as well. From your courage and commitment, you will accumulate wealth and all the travels during this time will prove to be fruitful for you.

However, this transit is negative for students. If you are a student then you will find it hard to focus on your studies and your efforts will not yield the results that you deserve during this period. But do not take this up as an excuse for not working hard and rather put in all your efforts diligently in your academic life. Pregnant women must take special care of themselves as this transit is posing a danger to your health. Chant the mantra of 'Shukra Dev' to be safe from any malefic effects of this transit of Sun on you & your foetus.


Sun is the Lord of the 2nd house of your natal horoscope and is transiting in the 10th house. 2nd house is mostly associated with speech, accumulated wealth and family while the 10th house is mostly associated with profession, name and fame.

Sun will become "Digbali' for you and will give immense success. There is likely to be a significant increase in your wealth and you will get due recognition from people in your profession or career. Your family members, friends and colleagues; all will support you in your endeavours.

Coming to the negatives- The health of your mother might get deteriorated so take care of her and chant the mantra of 'Shukra Dev' to protect her from the malefic effects that this transit brings for her.


Sun is the Lord of the 1st house of your natal horoscope and is transiting in the 9th house. 1st house is primarily associated with personality, while the 9th house is mostly associated with spirituality, fortune, foreign travels and father.

Luck or fortune will favour you during this time and you will get success in whatever task you take up during this transit. There will be travels and that too beneficial in nature!

The negative impact of this transit will be on the health of your younger siblings. Offer 'Ardhya' to 'Surya Dev' to pacify the ill effects of this transit on your siblings.


Sun is the Lord of the 12th house of your natal horoscope and is transiting in the 8th house. 12th house is mainly associated with expenditures, foreign travels/settlement and chronic ailments while the 8th house is mostly associated with age, struggles, in-laws, inheritance, sudden gains and accidents.

Sun will protect and enhance your longevity during this time. Those natives who are suffering from an ailment will witness relief and their health will improve speedily. Sun will form 'Vipreet Rajyog' for you and will bring an increase in income and social recognition. Expenditures will be lowered and overall the health will significantly improve.

However there might be problems related to your eyes and because of your harsh speech, there might be some bitterness in your relations with family members. So be aware of all this.


Sun is the Lord of the 11th house of your natal horoscope and is transiting in the 7th house. 11th house is mainly associated with gains and realization of desires while the 7th house is mostly associated with life-partner, business and partnership.

You will get immense success in your business and will be able to generate wealth as per your wish. If you wish to travel abroad, then this period will promote that as well. Health is a concern for you during this time as it seems to be shaky.

Apart from taking good care of your own health, make sure that you take care of the health of your spouse as well. This transit is not favourable for the health of both of you.


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Sun is the Lord of the 10th house of your natal horoscope and is transiting in the 6th house. 10th house is mainly associated with gains name & fame and career/profession while the 6th house is mostly associated with ailments, loans, enemies, job and competition.

Here, Sun will bring relief from the ailments that you have been facing along with bringing a relief from the loan that has been bothering you. Sun will destroy your enemies and if you have been involved into a legal dispute, then things will turn into your favour. But remember to immediately consult a doctor if you face a burning sensation in your eyes during this transit.


Sun is the Lord of the 9th house of your natal horoscope and is transiting in the 5th house. 9th house is mainly associated with spirituality, fortune/luck. foreign travels and father while the 5th house is mostly associated with intelligence, speculation and love.

There will be a rise in your fortune and will go on fruitful travels. If you are searching for a job, then this transit will help you get one. If you have made an investment, then it will give a handsome profit during this time and your financial situation will be strong.


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Sun is the Lord of the 8th house of your natal horoscope and is transiting in the 4th house. 8th house is mainly associated with age, struggles, accidents and sudden gains/losses while the 4th house is mostly associated with comforts, mother, property and vehicle.

Those of you who were suffering from bad health will witness speedy recovery but your mothers health might deteriorate so take of her. There will be turbulence in your workplace and you need to be careful as far as your career security is concerned. The best remedial measures for you are offering 'Ardhya' to Surya Dev and reciting 'Bajrang Baan'.


Sun is the Lord of the 7th house of your natal horoscope and is transiting in the 3rd house. 7th house is mainly associated with spouse, business and partnership while the 3rd house is mostly associated with courage, short travels and younger siblings.

There will an increase in your courage and you will witness decent gains in your business. Your life-partner will be supportive to you as well as your younger siblings. In fact you will get support from everyone be it your spouse, friends or family members. However, you might have difference of opinions with your father and that may lead upto arguments. So avoid such things to maintain cordial relations with your father.


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Sun is the Lord of the 6th house of your natal horoscope and is transiting in the 2nd house. 6th house is mainly associated with job, loan, litigation and enemies while the 2nd house is mostly associated with bank balance, speech and family.

This is not a good period for you, especially when it comes to wealth. Do not give or take loans during this time. Relations with family are also likely to be rocky during this transit because of the harshness in your speech. Hence, make sure that you avoid saying things that may destroy family bliss. Keep a check on your temper. When it comes to driving a vehicle, you need to be extremely cautious.


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So this was the in-general result of Sun's transit in the sign of Aries on people of all 12 Ascendant Signs.

However, we urge you go for a personal consultation with the highly experienced astrologers of Future Point to know the exact state of your natal horoscope and the effects of the transitory movements of all planets both in the current times and the times to come as well.

A detailed horoscope analysis reveals the root planetary issues that are troubling a native and provides specific remedial measures that can bring an end to all miseries as well as ensure success, wealth & prosperity to the native in life!