Rahu in 12 houses

Dr. Arun Bansal | 15-Apr-2015

Views: 6180

First House

Often ill, very talkative, injury in head, destroyer of enemies, victorious in arguments, selfish, neurological problems, eager in wicked deeds, uninterested in this world, short life, obstacles in marriage, dental problems, problem in the left eye, chronic ailment in upper part of body, cheats the relations, deceitful, tall, suffers bodily at the age of 5, 7, and 16, ingratitude, red eyes, powerful, expert in social work, black spot on face, devoid of happiness of spouse and son, injury in head with sharp edged weapon, fear of fire and poison.

If in Aries, Taurus, or Cancer sign – protects from all problems. If in Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces sign – Raj yog. If in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo or Aquarius sign – long life. If in Aquarius sign – tall but with permanent disease. If with Saturn – deserts his spouse. In female horoscope - ugly, shameless, often ill, angry, playful, reddish eyes, does not respect preceptors, wicked, handicapped, deserted.

Second House

Destroyer of family, opponent, harsh, fond of foreign travel, fear of death with weapons, destroyer of enemies, extravagant but accumulates own earned wealth, cannot keep anything secret about others, speaks words with double meaning, priggish, ailments of mother, does not refund other’s money, wealthy with state finances, spot on the face, jaundice, tamsik, contact with wicked, number of enemies, long nose, does not agree with friends, more than one marriage or sexual relations with other females, earns in foreign country, teeth out of shape, business of leather goods/ liquor/ meat. If debilitated-devoid of wealth but lucky on foreign land, speaks truth. If in Libra sign – yogkarak. If with benefic planets – mole on the chin.

In female horoscope – thief, lives in others’ house, fond of wandering, always eager to have sexual relations, talkative, widow, poor, wicked husband, ill health, wealthy in foreign country.

Third House

Happiness of wealth-spouse-son, no sufferings, powerful, wrestler, wealthy, brave, ideal, death of brother, long life, comforts of servants, multimillionaire, throat, ear and teeth problems, behaves like his own brother with every body, honour from state. If in Gemini, Leo, Virgo or Aquarius sign – glorious. If exalted – very wealthy, comforts of vehicle, number of servants. If debilitated – malefic for brother. If with benefic planet mark on throat.

In female horoscope – weak hands, devoid of brothers/ sisters, victorious, devoted husband and children, good health, destroyer of enemies, polite.

Fourth House

Sufferings to mother, devoid of wealth, cruel, separation from brothers, in company with mean people, stomach problems, does not talk much, heart trouble, fear of accident, short lived, back biter, no happiness from vehicle and property, extra marital relations, progress during the age of 35-53, sadness, lives away from home, foolish, no sympathy from others, fond of wandering, deceitful, lazy, step mother, more than one marriage, illegal progeny, diplomat or engineer.

If in Aries, Gemini, Cancer, or Virgo – auspicious. If with malefics – sufferings to mother. If in Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio or Capricorn – Raj yog karak. In female horoscope – company of number of males, influenced by other religions, devoid of happiness from brother, back biter, atheist husband, one issue, unhealthy, devoid of happiness of mother, ingratitude, affection with animals.

Fifth House

Male progeny, ill health of wife, destroyer of wealth and family, abortions, obstacles in education, often in service, stomach problems, sufferings from son, weak teeth, sudden gains, heart problems, deep knowledge of some subjects, diplomat or engineer, delay in first issue, devoid of comforts and enjoyments, speaks though nose, loss of son due to curse of snake, second marriage.

If with Moon loss of son is definite. If in Aries, Taurus or Cancer – benefic, progeny. In female horoscope – sexy, devoid of son, thick teeth, conduct similar to a prostitute, not liked by anybody, sufferings. If with Moon – devoid of son, deceitful, foolish.

Sixth House

Destroyer of enemies, wealthy, happiness from son, gains from people belonging to other religions, good tolerance power, potent, suffers from backache, ambitious, brave, Raj yog, injury of head from animals cart, maternal uncle suffers, long life, suffers from diseases of rectum, extra marital relations, contact with sinners, injury from wooden article or stone, somebody from maternal side dies on a foreign land, contact with foreigners, black spot on back, difficulties in service. If exalted – destroys all malefic effects, always in contact with opposite sex, sinner, extra marital relations.

If with Moon – sexual relations with very rich female, gains from opposite sex. In female horoscope – destroyer of enemies and diseases, fame, wealth, intelligent, expert in good deeds, soft spoken, beloved of husband, highly educated.

Seventh House

More than one marriage, disgraceful, pleasure seeker, loss in business, loss in partnership, fond of travelling, suffers from gastric problems, wicked, obstacles in marriage, loss of money due to females, problems in teeth, loss of sexual desire with spouse, wife suffers from gynecological problems, yogkarak in its own dasha, widower, loss of coborns, ugly wife, devoid of bed/ sexual comforts, relations with widow, health problems due to sexual relations with wicked females, wife elder than himself, loss of property. If in Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, or Capricorn – Raj yog karak. If aspected by Moon – number of marriages, fortunate.

If with lagnesh – suffers from hydrocele. In female horoscope – ugly, devoid of husband, gynecological, problems, devoid of happiness from co – borns and in laws, ingratitude, widow, wicked, devoid of intelligence and comforts.

Eighth House

Sudden gains, hard hearted, hard working, gastric problems, separation from family, no inheritance, respect in society, honour from govt., very fortunate at least once in life, loss, genitals disease, death due to allegation of theft, devoid of spouse/ son/ wealth and education, healthy body, erotic, poor, suffers at the age of 4, short life, death due to wicked people, suffers from piles and hydrocele, deceitful, weak financial position, loss in business, suffers at the age of 32, 45, 50 and 60, gains of property from some female or from near relations (definite if exalted)

If with benefic – fear of death at the age of 25. If with strong planets – fear of death at the age of 60. In female horoscope – suffers from various diseases, wicked, involved in thefts even if rich, widow, insulted by others.

Ninth House

Does not maintain cordial relations with brothers, pilgrimage, kind hearted, gastric problems, settles on a foreign land, industrious, wicked, unsuccessful, unfortunate till the age of 42, deceived by others, leader or head of community or city, no progeny, firm believer of goddess Durga, violent, does not leave any task uncompleted, sexual relations with a lower caste female, sexual, loss in business of import-export, gains in business in his own country.

If exalted or in own sign – wealthy, happy, fame, atheist. If in Taurus sign – yog karak. In female horoscope – barren, faith and devotions in goddess Durga, interest in religion of others, fond of non- vegetarian food, fond of liquor, wanders unnecessarily, suffers through enemies and various ailments, without any fame.

Tenth House:

Sinner, contact with wicked, licentious, pleasure seeker, handsome, sexual relations with beautiful females or with widow, talkative, quarrelsome, suffers at the age of 12, wealthy, destroyer of enemies, honour by government, few sons, sinner but famous, land lord, secretary/ minister/ diplomat/ government officer, expert in business, comfort of vehicles, strong enemies but victorious over them, devoid of happiness of parents, spouse maintains ill health and is foolish, gastric problems, cannot have good sleep.

If in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo or Virgo or Pisces, signs – auspicious. If with Moon – Raj yog, national flag is put on his house or vehicle. If Rahu is malefic – company of wicked. If in Taurus, Gemini, Virgo or Scorpio sign – authority, gains from foreign contacts or from foreign countries. If Rahu is weak and afflicted – pleasure seeker, bad habits, Raj yog karak in his dasha or sub – dasha.

If in Scorpio sign – gains, honour by govt. destroyer of enemies. In female horoscope – good deeds, Raj yog. If with Moon – Raj yog, national flag on house or vehicle, very sexual, gets money of others, playful, devoid of happiness of parents, neglected by husband, opposition from co – borns, destroyer of enemies, can become saint.

Eleventh House:

Gains from wicked, friendship with fools, happiness from sons, deligent, destroyer of malefic effects, alert, happiness from spouse, long- life, injury with stone, businessman, fortunate on a foreign land, very fortunate at the age of 45, successful after the age of 31, yogkarak in main and sub – period, deaf, no gains from speculation, haughty. In female horoscope-extremely beautiful, polite, beloved of her husband, very wealthy, comforts of vehicles, pleasing personality, comforts of servants, loyal son, always speaks truth.

Twelfth House

Chest pain, unsuccessful, opposition from own people, friendship with wicked, unwise, extravagant, full of worries, sexual, settles on a foreign land, right eye defective, long life, loss due to theft, brings bad name for family, wicked, secret sins, loss of inherited wealth/ property, change of place or transfers. In female horoscope – devoid of wealth and religion, believes on what the others say, extravagant, devoid of comfort of husband, neglected by family, eye troubles.