choosing a spread

Future Point | 01-Jan-2014

Views: 8600

It is up to you if you use a spread or not. Spreads are nothing more than a way to organize you cards. It doesn’t impact the reading. You could get the same reading by randomly throwing out 10 cards as you would get by doing the famous Celtic Cross.

The More readings you do, the more comfortable you will be. You will begin to develop you own way of laying out the cards, be it spread or random.

The One Card Spread

The One Card spread is the most concise of all spreads intended to provide a quick take on a situation, or to reduce it to a single issue that you can meditate on. Simply ask a question and then draw a card to divine the answer to your question. It is surprising to what extent these types or one-card readings can be exact, or even solve your problem for you.

The Three-Card Spread

This spread is good for yes or no questions. After you are done cutting the deck lay the cards out from left to right.

1 2 3

The first card to the left represents the past/issues affecting the problem. The second card in the center represents the present/problem. The third card to the right represents the future/outcome. A variation of this is to read the three cards as the Mind, the Body and Spirit or Context,Focus and Outcome. This is more like a “personality reading” and can give you a good indication of where “someone is at this point of evolution of soul.”

The Four Card Spread

Just like the 3-card spread, the 4 card spread can have many interpretations. Just because a drawing is simple, do not think that it isn’t powerful. Some of these quick readings are full of information and really all you need to know. Here are some examples:

1. What you have,

2. What you desire,

3. What you need,

4. What you get.


1. The situation,

2. How it evolves in the next 4 weeks,

3. Someone/something that will affect the situation,

4. The outcome.


1. What you need to leave behind/release,

2. What you must confront,

3. What you need to know,

4. What you will attain.


1. Outlook for an event/situation,

2. Who/what will help,

3. Where it will lead,

4. What emotions it will invoke.


1. Your greatest strength,

2. How you can enhance it,

3. How you can apply it,

4. What strength it brings you.