Basic Information about Planets
Yashkaran Sharma | 10-Sep-2014
Views: 3266The below mentioned information help in making predictions:
Auspicious Planets - Jupiter, Venus, Unafflicted Mercury, Powerful Moon
Inauspicious Planets- Rahu, Saturn, Mars, Sun
Exalted/Debilitated Planets
Planet | Exalted Rashi | Extreme Degree | Debilitated Planet | Mool Trikona Rashi | Degree |
Sun | Aries | 10° | Libra | Leo | 0° -20° |
Moon | Taurus | 3° | Scorpio | Taurus | 4° -20° |
Mars | Capricorn | 28° | Cancer | Aries | 0° -12° |
Mercury | Virgo | 15° | Pisces | Virgo | 16° -20° |
Jupiter | Cancer | 5° | Capricorn | Sagittarius | 0° -10° |
Venus | Pisces | 27° | Virgo | Libra | 0° -15° |
Saturn | Libra | 20° | Aries | Aquarius | 0° -20° |
Rahu | Gemini | 15° | Sagittarius | Virgo | 0° -15° |
Ketu | Sagittarius | 15° | Gemini | Pisces | 0° -15° |
Two Groups of Friends
Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars & Ketu are friends. All these are enemies of the other group of friends.
Members of other group i.e. Rahu, Saturn, Venus & Mercury are also friendly to each other