Abha Bansal | 17-Mar-2015

Views: 12577

Using this revolutionary product Leo Touch sounds so cool….

Touch mobile phones and tablets have taken over traditional smart phones so using this astrology application Leo Touch for modern phones / tabs sounds cool. It is a mobile phone application that has been designed for both the professional and enthusiast Astrologer to use on android mobile phone for the calculation and interpretation of 'Birth' or 'Natal' Astrology Charts according to Vedic Astrology.

A very frequent question being asked in office or phone is which software one should buy. Should they go for desk top or Laptop based software Leo Star or Android based Leo Touch. Software is the same in both so the buyer gets confused many times when he has to select one.

Well, with my experience I would like to place my opinion for your selection. For those who are stationed in one office from ten to six and have their own commercial shop for astrology then of course Leo Star is good for taking detailed printout and seeing the horoscope for consultancy on lap top or desk top.

In metro cities where life is mobile, people are spending two to three hours on road it is really difficult to carry your lap top always with you, here comes Leo Touch in the picture. Every one is carrying a phone in their pocket and Leo Touch is there to solve your queries whether you are in car, facing traffic jam, in train or plane or in a function, you can be the centre of attraction by displaying your smart phone with latest astrological software Leo Touch. Whether it’s general horoscope, matching, numerology report or lal kitab remedies, you can quench the thirst of questions any time anywhere for any birth place in few minutes. Sometimes when people don’t have birth details you can show heroic deeds by replying through Prashana phal. It comes out to be very accurate at times.

For knowing the muhurata for a new car, Grih Pravesh, Marriage or Mundan ceremony of children, Panchang muhurta is there for your convenience.

In your vacant time or travelling time, you can learn and update your knowledge by going through so many tables which are self explanatory and very easy to learn the basics.

For maintaining a list of clients you can store all birth details familywise.

You can also play so many mantras to reduce the negative energy and get the benefits of mantra as per your choice or requirement. In fact mantra can be played 108 times to get positive vibes.

There is another program of Leo Query which has so many popular small programs which are used all over India for ages like Ram Shalakha from Ramayana and get instant answer to your query. Tarot card is also a very good alternative to get correct intuition.

One can also see the current movement of planets to give daily prediction.

All this is possible not only on Android based phone but also on Tab which has a bigger screen.

Even print out can be taken by attaching your phone to a computer or laptop.

In this age of Internet, PDF file can be sent by mail.

So just by a soft touch of yours the entire world of astrology is before you.

Its rate is also more than half the rate of Leo Star. So why not opt for it.

Whether you are an amateur astrologer, learner or a famous astrologer it is the best for everyone. We are sure you can't resist yourself any more to order for the same.