Venus in 12 houses

Dr. Arun Bansal | 03-Apr-2015

Views: 6739

First House

Every part of body is extremely beautiful, attracted by opposite sex, all comforts, long life, healthy, soft spoken, intellectual, sexual, proficient in government work, effective, attractive face, comforts of wealth and conveyance, mole at back, cockpit, stomach or at sexual organs, always ahead of colleagues, mark of injury on forehead at the age of 12, sexual pleasure at the age of 17, jovial, fond of songs and dance, wicked, cheat, destroyer-of strong enemies, very talkative, artist, fear from dogs or animals having horns, rigid, charm, has full control on females.

If with Moon, Mars or Mercury – long life, pleasure, seeker, honour from government. If in Taurus, Gemini, Libra or Aquarius or Pisces, sign – benefic results. If in Aries, Cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn favourable results. If in Cancer or Scorpio and aspected by Mars – pleasure seeker. If combust or aspected by malefic or with malefics – gastric problems. If in own sign – Raj yog. If with Mars or aspected by Mars – successful in medical profession, famous in music. If in Scorpio – foreign travel with females. If in own sign and Mercury and Saturn are together in any house-very wealthy.

In female horoscope – happy, very beautiful, healthy, charming, attractive, good conduct, soft spoken, self made, happiness of husband, wise, prosperous, generous, priggish, handsome husband, no defect, destroyer of enemies, fair complexion, husband long lived, sons. If Venus is in Pisces sign – pleasure seeker. If Venus is in own sign/ exalted – not very beautiful.

Second House

Poet, soft spoken, intellectual, handsome, beautiful and devoted wife, particular about dress, respected by all, fond of sweets, extra – marital relations, jewelers, fond of wearing gems, fortunate, adventurous, hard workers, helps others, financial gains, good food, prosperous, lucky wife, fond of singing, well educated, a head of colleagues, knowledge of occult subjects, long life, comfort of conveyance – sexual relations with beautiful female at the age of 32. 32nd year is significant from many points of view, gain of property in the age of 60, face and body attractive, worship of gods, voice attracts opposite sex, beautiful eyes, gets his work done by offering wine to friends, more than one marriage, lucky after marriage, wife also earns.

,p>If with Moon – destruction of family, eyes trouble, loss of wealth. If aspected by Moon – problems in financial gains. If with Sun – eyes troubles. If debilitated – debtor, may get even life imprisonment. If alone with malefics or aspected by malefics – loss due to government or theft, problems in journeys. If with Saturn or Mars – chastity of wife doubtful. If exalted – hesitates in accepting or giving alms. If not in debilitation/ enemy’s sign provided Lagna lord is strong-like king.

In female horoscope – extremely beautiful, may act in movies, do modelling or take part in beauty pageant, soft, healthy, happiness of family, fame, poetess, writer, believes in artificial show, proficient, good deeds (definite), with lot of jewelry.

Third House

Not attracted by females, unsatisfied with sons, miser, lazy, artist, lucky, intellectual, fond of travel, playful, clever, extra – marital relations, successful with the help of sister, weak eyesight, wife beautiful but unsatisfied with her, liking towards dance, sports, games, love marriage, prosperity at the age of 20, less brothers and more sisters, luck favours at the age of 22 and 29, obstacles in marriage, more than one marriage, wife of different caste and more in age, weak constitution, softspoken, fond of wearing good dresses.

If with malefics or aspected by malefics – more than one marriage of father. If lord of 8th house is in 8th house – obstacles, suffering, imprisonment. In female horoscope – very wealthy, dancer (definite), devoid of happiness of husband and servants, no worries, harsh voice, good deeds, polite, number of brothers, affectionate, sisters, slim body, sexy, does not respect saints.

Fourth House

Ahead of colleagues, high status, number of friends, prosperous, devotee of mother, long life, helpful for others, theist, clever, luck, wife very lucky, fond of singing, well educated, all comforts, self independent, wife very beautiful and helpful in other aspects of life, mother harsh, gain of immovable property and comfort and comfort of conveyance at the age of 30, respected, all material comforts, devotee of god, inheritance, happiness from co-borns at the age of 12 and 20, interference by wife and other females in the important aspects of life.

If lord of 7th house – lot of dowry in marriage or earning wife. If weak – number of female issues. If with Mars – may have to sell his house, most sexual. If under the influence of malefics – extra marital relations. If with Saturn – comforts through females. If with Rahu – very sexy having number of illicit relations.

In female horoscope – self-made, all comforts, jovial, chastity, famous in family, wealthy, adopts other’s religion, very beautiful, devotee of husband, full control of senses, religious.

Fifth House

Happy, destroyer of enemies, successful, heart of a poet, pleasure – seeker, fond of justice, theist, generous, professional, more number of females, brave, inheritance, purchases house, mostly in service, all comforts of life, sons, argues well, minister/ secretary/ general/ in army high status, daughters married in very good families, son in laws, are very courteous, honour from government, relations with number of females, sons, wealth comes automatically without much efforts, poet, fond of sweets, wife is a pleasure seeker. Fond of theatre/ movies, sudden gains in speculation, wife very beautiful and charming, more than one marriage.

,p>If debilitated/ in enemy’s or malefic sign/ combust – no sons, deligent, ill health of wife, devoid of happiness of wife. If in Virgo sign – ailment of stomach. If in Cancer sign – happiness after second marriage. If with Rahu-sexy and many illicit relations. In female horoscope – happy, all comforts, sons, handsome husband, speculative gains, very sexy and extra marital relations.

Sixth House

Daily new enemies, unsuccessful, spoiled by friends, extravagant, devoid of happiness of father and wife, lucky after marriage, greedy, does not maintain cordial relations with wife, extra – marital relations, happiness from service, backache, urinary problems, liver – disease, diabetes, disc- deformation, hunch backed, injury from arms at the age of 21, fear from enemy at the age 41, impotent, friendship with wicked people, destroys the family due to recitation of inauspicious mantras, ill health, helpful to coborns, mother and maternal uncle.

If debilitated/ combust/ in enemy’s sign – ill health, quarrelsome, enemity. If exalted/ debilitated – successful. If combust – becomes intellectual even by taking birth in lower family.

In female horoscope – backache, opponent, jealous, angry, victory over enemies, harsh, devoid of a happiness of husband and progeny, violent, deserted by husband and sons, cough and gastric problems, passionate, unhappy married life.

Seventh House

Always suffers from backache, pleasure – seeker, settles on foreign land, cannot work hard, generous, popular, wealthy, unnecessary worries, lucky after marriage, playful, marital happiness, wife beautiful but harsh, chances of wife being lost, fond of wine and non-veg food, baldly, quarrelsome, always quarrels with wife, wife very lucky, attractive personality, good behavior, enjoys sexual relations with very beautiful females, artist, more than one marriage, very sexual, beloved of females.

If exalted/ in own sign – gets fame due to wife. If in Scorpio or Capricorn sign – pleasure seeker. If in Leo sign – auspicious results. If debilitated or in enemy’s sign – wife wicked and chastity of wife doubtful. If in Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius sign in Navamsa and aspected by Mars or Saturn – pleasure seeker. If with malefics-ill health of wife or wife devoid of husband’s happiness. If in Scorpio sign – death of wife. If with Saturn – wife pleasure seeker or more than one marriage. If exalted – either father – in – law is very wealthy or gets lot of dowry.

In female horoscope – self made, backache, sexy, prosperous, intellectual, fame, beloved of husband, religious, beloved of co-borns, devotee of Brahmans, acceptable everywhere, good husband, happy marital life, passionate but having good character if there is no influence of Mars or Saturn. If with Mars – chastity doubtful or love marriage.

Eighth House

Comforts of conveyance, long – life, lives in other’s house, harsh, obstacles in success, debtor, ill health, angry, irritable, sufferings, venereal disease, hard worker, expenditure on females, attracted towards females, land lord, if does not die at the age of 4 than life is 75-80 years, corrupt, pleasure – seeker, mother and self suffer at the age of 4, worries about wife and son, wife devotee/ short spoken/ reliable.

If debilitated – does not bother about ill health. If it is lord of 2nd house – sudden gains. If in Taurus, Libra or Pisces sign – devoid of spouse and wealth, urinary problems. If in Libra sign – sufferings, journeys, imprisonment. If exalted – financial loss. In female horoscope- most sexual, love marriage, leucorrhea, long life, devoid of wealth, sufferings, careless, cheat, chastity doubtful, impolite, quarrelsome, deceitful, dirty dress, beautiful eyes, priggish.

Ninth House

Very wealthy, religious, happiness of brothers, theist, wise, affectionate, pleasureseeker, prosperity after marriage, proficient in government work, lucky due to government, happiness of wife/ sons/ friends, achievement of aim at the age of 15, fortunate at the age of 25, earns money in administrative service, people recognize his house from distance, respect for preceptors and guests, good dress, calm and quiet, expertise and fame in singing/ playing of musical instruments/ movies.

If in Capricorn sign-prosperity. If in Taurus sign – no obstacles. If with lord of 4th or 7th house – fortunate. If with malefics – sexual relations with preceptor’s wife or aged female. If with ketu – most auspicious results. In female horoscope – destroyer of malefic effects, religious, lucky, famous, happy, good conduct, patience, qualities of males, famous amongst females, body parts similar to males, influential like queen, asset, beloved of husband, social worker.

Tenth House

Greedy, wicked, devoid of progeny, pleasure seeker, wealthy, victorious, artist, or interest in handicrafts, career in film line or in music, or connected with cosmetics, success in business, high status, fear of arms at the age of 27, lucky at the age of 22, does not get good results during its period, gains in business of precious metals, quarrelsome, hypocrite, extravagant.

If exalted/ in own sign – principal of Music College, differences with wife but friendship and gains from other females, worries of children. If aspected by Sun or Moon – gets many degrees and honours, gold medalist.

In female horoscope – religious, career in films, music or fashion designing, helpful for others, chastity, prosperous, intellectual, fame, beautiful, speaks truth, member of parliament or legislature assembly, wealthy, good deeds.

Eleventh House

Gains in all undertakings, handsome, polite, fame, lover of truth, wise, wealthy, lucky, deals in jewelry, fond of gems, well educated, popular figure, comfort of vehicle, lucky after marriage, officer of high status, relations with number of females, luck favours at the age of 22, financial gains at the age of 24, enemies are always afraid, expert in policies and dancing, extremely handsome.

In Leo sign – auspicious results. If with malefics – gains in sinful deeds. If with benefics – gains in good deeds. If with Sun – gains from government. If with Moon – gain of property from friend. If debilitated or with lord of 8th house – no gains.

In female horoscope – wealthy, happy, more number of daughters, influential, prosperous, always interested in gaining knowledge, gains, without any fault, knowledge of religion, owner of number of houses, knowledge of dancing, beautiful, jovial.

Twelfth House

No dearth of money, bulky body, extramarital relations and expenditure on females, lazy, lover of education, miser, destroyer of enemies, happy, longlife, pleasure seeker, independent, debtor, financial loss at the age of 45, fortunate due to wife, wife long lived, gets all comforts in life, dependant of females, always idling to have contact with females, liar, early marriage, possibility of more than one marriage.

If with Saturn – marriage with female of other caste or remains bachelor. If exalted – ascetic, wealthy. If with benefics – owners of cinema – hall or auditorium. If in Libra sign-problem in legs. If exalted/ debilitated – successful. If with Saturn or Mars-chastity of wife doubtful. If aspected by benefics – business or service connected with prison, charitable institutions or chemicals.

In female horoscope – expenditure on self and family, sexy, love affairs, leaves the house, marriage according to her choice, hypocrite, priggish, ill health, wicked, ill during childhood.