Shiv Mantras For Getting longevity, salvation, peace of mind and moksha

Future Point | 01-Jan-2014

Views: 3370

1- "Om Namah Shivay"

For the acquisition of salvation and destruction of fear of death this Mantra is best. This Mantra is considered effective for the eradication of disease, sorrrow, fear etc. Recitation of this Mantras gives success and Siddhis. 

2-"Om Hraung Jung Sah"

This is known as Trayakshar Mrityunjay Mantra. This Mantra is considered useful for the eradication of disease and death fear. Recite this Mantra 3 lakh times and perorm Hawan for MantraSiddhi.

3-"Om Trayambakam Yajamahe Sugandhimpushtivardhanam Urwarukmivbandhanaan Mrityormuksheeymaamritaat"

This is known as Mrityunjay Mantra. This Mantra should be recited for the eradication of diseases and death fear. It is highly recommended for increasing longevity.

4-"Om Hraung Jung Sah Bhurbhuvah Swah Trayambakam Yajamahe Sugandhimpushtivardhanam Urwarukmivbandhanaan Mrityormuksheey maamritaat Bhurbhuvah Swaraung Jung Sah Hraung Om"

This is known as Mahamrityunjay Mantra. It is most powerful Mantra and most effective for increasing longevity and for eradicating diseases and death fear. The house where this Mantra is recited, problems like diseases, sudden death and death fear cannot touch the members of that house.

5-"Om Namo Bhagwate Rudraay"

This is known as Rudra Mantra. This Mantra is recited to get blessings of Lord Shiva. It is considered effective for the fulfilment of one's wishes.