Sex of Child through the ruling planets

Future Point | 01-Jan-2014

Views: 4314

Horary is a formula based on the ruling planet. A number between 1 and 249 is selected by the querist along with his/her specific question. The query is the tallied with the relevant houses connected with the subject.

A lady was in family way and her delivery was expected in the two or three days, when her mother-in-law approached me to know the sex of the child and position of delivery. The mother -in-law gave Horary No. 50 (between 1 to 249) on 9-10-98 at 12-42 noon. I drew the map of the planetary position prevailing at that time, which is given at the end of this article. According to Horary No. 50, the ascendant falls in Geminc sign. Since the query pertains to her son's wife the matter was analysed by talking the 11th house as ascendant (5th house her son and 11th house is his wife).

First we 0should confirm the query whether the Moon tallies with the relevant houses connected with the subject. Moon reveals the mind of a person. In this case, the Moon is situated in 2nd house and is owner of 5th (besides the 4th house). The Moon as per degrees is in own star and sub. 5th house stands for progeny and that of delivery Moon is being aspected by Ketu by evil aspect (considering western aspects' theory) who is a signification of 5th and 8th houses i.e. 5th progeny and 8th worries. Hence Moon confirms the query. Such type of confirmation of a query assures the astrologer that the querist has given the Horary number with full and sincere urge in respect of his her problem.

The ruling planets in operation at that time were as :

What are the ruling planets? A particular moment is ruled by a group of planets at a certain latitude. They are :

  1. Lord of the week day.

  2. Lord of the Moon sign

  3. Lord of the Moon constellations

  4. Lord of Lagna rising at the time of query or analysis or birth time.

  5. Lord of the constellation, where the degree is formed

  6. Nodes (Rahu & Ketu) in the signs of the ruling planets.

Prior to the K. P. System, I had been working and taking results through traditional methods and Varshphal Tajik Paddhati Leaving aside the methods other than the K.P. System, I preferred a short cut formula based on ruling planets, which is as follows :

Find out that each of the ruling planet is in which sub; then that sub-lord is in which constellation, that star lord whether posited in male sign or in female sign. If more planets out of the ruling planet indicates male child then male child will be born will come otherwise a female child.

Let us examine it in the present case :-

Jupiter is in the sub of Ketu and Ketu is in the star of Mars posited in Leo sign, which indicates male child.

Venus as ascendant star lord, Venus is in Sun of Saturn and Saturn is in the star of Ketu posited in Aquarius sign, which indicates male child.

Venus as Moon sign lord, as discussed above.

Venus as day lord, as discussed above.

Moon is in the star and sub of Moon itself situated in Taurus sign indicating female sex.

Therefore, four ruling planets indicate male sex, while only one indicates female sex. Accordingly the querist was told that male child will be born.

next-query was that whether the delivery is safe and when the delivery is expected.

With regards to safe delivery, the sub lord of 5th house is to be analysed. 5th sub lord is Saturn in Ist house and there is no planet in it's three star on the day of analysis. Saturn is lord of 10, 11 as well as 12th houses. Saturn is in Sub of Rahu, which signifies 5 and 11. Rahu is posited in 5th and he is in the star of Ketu in 11. Here 12th house indicates some complication and worries during delivery. 12th also indicates hospitalisation. The 5th sub lord Saturn signifies 1 and II houses starwise and 5 and 11 subwises. It was predicted the delivery will be safe and the problem will be solved automatically and immediately.

The query was put on Friday and the delivery was expected in 2 or 3 days, as mentioned above. The next-day happens to be Saturday. After that it is Sunday. Neither Saturn nor Sun has appeared as ruling planet, while Venus has appeared thric among the ruling planets. Therefore, it was predicted that the delivery will take place on Friday, before mid night. (12.00 a.m.)

The lady was admitted in Loke Nayak Jai Prakash Hospital in the afternoon of 9th Oct'98. and she delivered a male child safely on the same day at 17-45.