Secrets of Astrology Unveiled

Future Point | 01-Jan-2014

Views: 3729

Ques. What kind of remedy should be adopted in what situation? Do all kinds of remedies like mantra, yantra etc. be performed equally for any problem, any time?

Ans. Remedy is normally required for a planet which is active by virtue of dasha or transit, but is benefic and weak, or is malefic and strong. That is, it is not either able to give good results to its full capacity, or is giving bad results, which have to be checked. If that planet is sitting in a earthy sign in the natal horoscope, stone should be suggested, if in fire sign, yajna should be performed, if in airy sign, Mantras are useful and if in watery sign, alms or throwing things in water helps.  Normally, stone wearing enhances power of a planet and throwing items in water reduces power of a planet – whether the planet is good or bad. So if a planet is malefic but strong, then stone should be avoided and if a planet is benefic but weak then stone should be worn and its items should not be thrown or given in alms. Mantras and Yajna increase the benefic power of the planet only, without creating any loss. So whenever a planet is active, its Mantra jap and yajna should be performed for better results.

Ques. Do different systems on astrology or predictive sciences give same results?

Ans. There are various systems of prediction like palmistry, numerology, astrology. In astrology too, there are various systems, like Jaimini Parashar, Neel kanthi etc. Every system has its own benefits and shortcomings. Some systems are better than the others. If the fact of life is represented by a straight line then the various systems can be denoted by various graphs like A,B,C, which touch the reality of life only at few points.  At some points they are far off. However, when one system is at a distance from the truth, other system touches the reality. This is the reason why we believe in so many systems. However, taking average may not always give us better results, e.g. if system A is at + 10% level of accuracy and system B at +20% level then the average is +15%, which means averaging has spoilt the results of system A. Averaging may be good if one system is at negative level of accuracy and other at positive level. But we never know where we stand in our prediction for any future event, whereas for past we can always take average, or apply different systems to know why that event happened. So it is suggested that one should adopt one system and practice more and more to bring it close to the line of reality.

Ques. Why does astrology sometimes fails?

Ans. Unlike Physics and Chemistry and like any behavioral science, astrology is an empirical science; that is the rules are based on statistics. They are not correct for any horoscope any time. This is true not only for astrology but for any predictive science. Further, the rules that we are using have not been checked for accuracy and relevance in modern times. We are using them as we found in old texts, even when many correlating factors have been lost during the last 2000 years or more. The rules when tested on large data in future will definitely give rise to better framed rules and accuracy in astrology will be more

Ques. Which is the best predictive science – astrology, palmistry, numerology or any other and why?

Ans. Compared to all other predictive sciences, Indian system of astrology is known for its accuracy, reliability and indepth analysis. Other systems are used either in the absence of reliable birth data, or in the absence of its interpretation. Astrology is the only system where predictions can be made precisely with time.

Ques. Should Ayanamsa be used? Which ayanamsa should be used?

Ans. The planets move as per their nirayana value in the sky. This can be easily checked by matching Moon’s movement through various zodiac signs. Chaitrapaksha Ayanamsa, popularly known as Lahiri Ayanamsa, only has the scientific approval of the international astronomers and this should only be used, irrespective of what results you get astrologically. You should modify your astrological rules to suit the astronomical computations, but not vice versa.

Ques. Should we rely on dasha or Gochar? If Dasha is good and Gochar is bad then what will be the result?

Ans. Dasha and Gochar, both are equally important in determining the event in a horoscope. However Gochar can be accurately known, but Dasha is very sensitive to time of birth and cannot be accurately fixed. Secondly, there are too many kinds of known dasha systems and we do not know for sure which dasha should be applied, when doubts on Ayanamsa also takes away its authenticity. Further Dasha is normally dependent upon Moon degrees only and it ignores rest of the planets. All these shortcomings are not there in the transit system. Hence basing the predictions on transits normally give better results, unless it has been checked that the dasha system is working properly on the given horoscope. While we are studying both Dasha and Gochar, we can take dasha to specify the event of transit to specify its strength. If both are favourable or unfavourable then the event occurs with full force. If Dasha is good and transit bad or vice versa, then the results are not clear.

Ques. Many exalted planets have been seen in the horoscope of a poor man and debilitated planets in a rich man's horoscope. how does this happen?

Ans. Normally many debilitated planets in a horoscope make "Neech Bhang Raja Yoga" and similarly many exalted planets give "Uccha Bhang Daridra Yoga". Moreover, the native with many exalted planets is a man of principles and unfit for worldy success. One or two debilitated planets help the native to aquire wealth by improper means in this kali yuga.

Ques. It is said that Lagna calculation is dependent on place, whereas planet degree calculation is independent of it. But when we compute lagna by converting time to IST and compute planet degrees without conversion, we get wrong values. Why ? What is the correct method?

Ans. It is rightly said that Lagna is dependent on place of birth, whereas planet degrees are independent of it, because they are computed for the centre of the earth. Ephemeris shows planet degrees for a given time zone like IST. So the time of birth must be converted to IST to use such tables. But Lagna must be computed for the place of birth only, because changing the place, say from London to Delhi, will create an error of 5 ½ hours later in U.K. similarly other signs also rise 5½ hours later there. Accuracy of the results computed can be verified by checking that Sun has to be in 10th house at noon, in 1st house in the morning, in 7th house in the evening and in 4th house at midnight. This is irrespective of the place of birth.

Ques. How much importance can be imparted to Shodashvarga ?

Ans. Shodashvarga system was propounded by our sages in such a manner that exact position of the planets could be ascertained without assigning any degree value to it. Secondly, these Vargas have not been made like we make today. Then we only assigned lordship and lordship signified the results of that planet. These vargas should not be taken at par with Lagna chart and should not be used in predictions like supplement to lagna chart, unless some yoga specifies the results of a planet in a particular varga. In practice, these vargas confuse a general astrologer. He starts taking the planet's exaltation or debilitation. He also starts taking aspects and placement of other planets with the planet, thus deviating from the basic results.

Ques. In predictions what is more important – planet, house or sign?

Ans. In Indian system planet is most important and house is next to the planet in importance. This is probably to make things easier. in the system of Lal Kitab sign has been dropped totally, after confirming the house in which a planet is sitting. Planet in a house makes significance in prediction, whereas planet in sign only gives knowledge about its strength. This strength further gets modified due to presence/aspect of other planets.

Ques. Does one get affected by some one else's horoscope? If yes, then what is the sanctity of the horoscope?

Ans. Like one is affected by planets, he is affected by any other item in his vicinity. Every body has a gravitational pull – small or large. Effect of planets is visible because of their large mass. Stars of much higher mass do not have that much of effect because of their large distance. Secondly, our power of computation is limited. Just the nine planets and twelve signs make so many combinations that it is difficult to correlate them with life. Horoscope having just nine planets is not the complete representation of what we are. but it is able to take care of maximum of our future with minimum of complexity. that is why we study a horoscope. Deviations to it due to others – living or non living – can be adjusted by studying the past and fitting that to the planet's effects. In brief, presence of others does not destroy the importance of the horoscope.

Ques. If in one accident many lives are taken, does that indicate similarity in everyones horoscope?

Ans. The horoscope of the place or a vehicle in which passengers are travelling, supersedes the horoscopes of the natives. Hence, in a calamity everyone's horoscope does not necessarily indicate death. However, this point needs further research and views from the readers.

Ques. We take muhurtha for something. Does it change the fate of the person?

Ans. Muhurtha gives us an idea about the future of the task that we do; for example, oath ceremony of ministry gives idea about the government; starting moment of business gives us knowledge about how the business will go etc. To have a good future we select a good muhurtha. Knowledge is strength and knowing the future of deeds in advance can definitely guide our future better. However, we can not totally reverse the direction of the fate.  So many times we find things do not happen at the time of best Muhurtha, or after the event we come to know that the computations were wrong. This clearly indicates we cannot change the destiny. Still nature has provided us with hands to do something and mind to think. We should use it optimally, but without having keen desire for the best ; it will occur only if it is in fate.

Ques. Can we remove the ill effect of 7th house by doing a proper matching?

Ans. Answer to this question lies in the previous answer. We can aspire for a better married life by having a better matching, but fate cannot be overruled.

Ques. Contradictory yogas are formed in ones horoscope. What is correct in such a situation?

Ans. Contradiction is part of any behavioural science. Take the results either by strength or by the number of times it occurs.

Ques. What is the importance of chalit chart and how should it be used?

Ans. House is next to planets in importance for its role in astrology. Lagna chart shows house only approximately. Actual house position is governed only by Bhava chart or Chalit chart. Hence Chalit chart cannot be ignored in astrology. But use it cautiously, because it should not be used for determining the aspects, or knowing the sign in which a planet is posited. If a Sun moves from lagna to 12th house while it was in Aries in Lagna chart, then it does not mean that Sun has shifted to Pisces. It remains in Aries, but is placed in 12th house.