Radical number 4 Rahu or Hersched

Future Point | 01-Jan-2014

Views: 3405

Planet Herschel is the lord of number 4. According to Indian Astrology, Rahu is a Planet. Rahu or Herschel causes sudden progress, explosion or blast, and some unexpected events. Number 4 is the Radical number of the people born on 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st of a month. These people are prone to struggle. Their views do not match with that of the others, though they think well ahead of time-something different from others. Since they oppose the views of others, the people around them become hostile to them. They happen to be reformers. They are opposed to old customs and traditions. Whatever field they are working in, they like to change the prevailing situatious there into new ones. They do not establish friendship with others but for the people having 1, 2, 7 or 8 as their Radical number, they have some soft corner. They do not like to accumulate wealth, rather they like to lead a luxurious life and remain happy. They may become much successful if they have control over them and thus turn tolerant.

Several unexpected incidents take place in their life. Some of them even change their career. They are known for their hard work and their views prove to be different from others. They think well ahead of time. But due to their opposing nature, people around become hostile to them. They oppose old customs and traditions and try hard to change them. They also like to change the prevailing situation in their field of job. They can not accumulate much wealth but they earn name and fame much in their life. They like radical change of the society they live in. If they have control over their practice and if they become tolerant, they may earn much success.

They earn much honour and respect in the society, since they are, by nature reformist. But they have to face many ups and downs in their life. So, they shall have to work hard to earn much name and fame. They, usually, enjoy good health, but at times they suffer from headache, diseases by and mental pressure caused due to their hard work.

People with number 4 as their Radical number possess some different character. They stand opposed in any type of debates or discussions. This makes people around them their enemies, though they are not quarrelsome. Some of their enemies keep opposing them stealthily. Whatever the point is, they have view different from others for that. They always oppose the prevailing rules already-even the society and the government. They do not accept the sovereignty of the constitution. They like new rules be enacted both in society and the family. They very much like to make reforms. They are practical.

People having 4 as Radical number always remain under pressure (tense), but sensitive. Even a simple step against them hurt them very much. They feel themselves alone and feel disheartened till they do not achieve their goal. They do not have many friends, but they are honest to the friends they have.

Herschel is very much influential between 21st June to 31st August and it showers its effects on the people born during that period. For them, Sunday, Monday and Saturday are lucky and 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st dates are auspicious. Period in between 21st June to 31st August is also favourable. They should start new and important ventures on any of these dates, which may prove to be more favourable if Sunday, Monday or Saturday falls on it. Again, if these days are somewhere in between 21st June to 31st August, they prove much favourable. Blue, dull yellow and brown are their lucky numbers. They should wear clothes and keep furniture of these colours in their house.

4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st, 40th, 49th, 58th and 67th years of their age are important for them. Besides, 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th, 37th, 46th, 55th and 64th years are also important. Numbers dates, years etc. related to Radical number are also favourable.

Years, sum totals of which are 4, 1 and 8, happen to be eventful for them and important incidents take place during these years under the influence of Radical number 4. So, numbers 1,4 and 8 are import for these people. Numbers 2, 6, 7 and 9 are neutral and they give mixed results. Numbers 3 and 5 are their enemies. Days, dates, months and years associated with the numbers stated above shower their effects over them,

According to Cheiro, people born on 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st do not have many friends. They are fascinated towards the people born on 1st, 2nd, 7th or 8th day of a month. They have good relations with the people born in between 21st June to 31st August. Saturday, Sunday and Monday are lucky for them. Numbers 1, 2, 7 associated with 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st days are favourable. The 2nd, 7th, 10th, 11th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 25th, 28th and 29th days of a month are more auspicious for them.

Mixed, shining blue colours are lucky. But gray colour is the most favourable. Ruby, either light or deep in colour, is the lucky gem for these people.

According to Sapharial, number 6 keeps the people, having 4 as their Radical number, vibrating. Numbers 1 and 8 fascinates them and 3 and 5 are their enemies. Number 2, 7 and 9 give mixed results. Sunday proves very much favourable for them.