
Future Point | 01-Jan-2014

Views: 4557

What is Muhurat

Muhurat/Muhurt is the most benefic time chosen to execute or start an event so that the task is carried out without any obstacle. A shubh muhurat helps in concentrating the energy of the planets and other astrological factors in an auspicious way so as to nullify the evil influences and make the result of the work performed most fruitful. The time of birth of a person cannot be controlled by anyone. But the time of event can be controlled. Basically the time of an event is the birth of the event; therefore its future will depend upon that time. If you start any work in a shubh Muhurat, it increases the possibilities of success. Muhurat is a tool to harmonize your forces with nature and improve your chances of success.

The Significance of a Muhurat

By shubh Muhurat, one ensures that one is not going against natural forces and beginning an auspicious and important task when all cosmic powers are favorable. In a way, muhurat of an event defines the horoscope of that event. So for a good future, a shubh muhurat is inevitable. The birth chart or the janam patrika and Muhurta are interrelated because if one performs auspicious tasks and events on shubh muhurat according to one’s birth-chart, one will be happy and the problems may also get reduced. It helps in counteracting the obstructions provided by the birth chart of a person and to neutralize or overcome the loss mentioned therein.

So, whenever you are going to start an important event of your life, which either takes a significant amount of your time and energy or is going to make its impact on your life for quite some time, then you should perform that action in accordance to the shubh muhurat.

Muhurat is very useful for people those do not have a birth chart or suffer from any dosha. It is seen that these people have succeeded in their tasks after carrying out it in a shubh muhurat.

Shubh Muhurat for Various Events

MUHURAT is a branch of Astrology called Electional Astrology which attempts to find the best moment for any undertaking in terms of greatest success and productivity. Muhurat is calculated for various occasions especially for all sixteen/shodash sanskar. Apart from that we also consider and find out the muhurat for intermediate events too.

Various events for which shubh muhurat is calculated:

  • Marriage (Vivah Muhurat)
  • Muhurat for visiting the house of prospective Bride or the Groom
  • Ring ceremony/Engagement
  • Grah pravesh Muhurat
  • Muhurat for starting a Puja or spiritual exercise
  • Starting Education
  • Purchase of a Vehicle
  • Starting the business
  • Joining the Job
  • Investment of money
  • Legal cases etc.
  • For Purchase and Construction of Property
  • Purchase of a Machine
  • Travel (Yatra Muhurat)
  • Interview
  • Taking Medicine (Shubh muhurat and nakshatra for particular medicines)
  • Surgical Operation
  • Applying for Visa

Selection of Muhurat

A muhurat is calculated based on the hindu calendar commonly called the hindu panchang. Muhurat is calculated on the basis of many variables like

  • nature of activity,
  • horoscope of the person who has to perform the activity,
  • planetary position,
  • lunar day and
  • 'Nakshatra' during the period it is to be performed.

The common period of all these benefics makes the shubh muhurat.

In the Hindu panchang, a tithi is calculated from sunrise to next sunrise. For example, if an event has to take place on Ekadashi on Monday and suppose the Ekadashi tithi starts at 9.00 AM on Monday and Ends at 9.00 AM of Tuesday, then the Muhurata duration will be from 9.00 AM Monday to Sunrise of Tuesday.

While judging a shubh muhurat it is important to consider the combinations of a weekday with Ascendant and nakshatra. Muhurat of auspicious nakshatra is best for carrying out a job. To get a shubh muhurat, purification of Ascendant is also required. So, while judging muhurat fair attention must be given to the status of the Ascendants. A person receives double benefits if his navamsa is also auspicious.

Some precautions in Muhurat

There are some special precautions in muhurat which should be followed. New business work should not be done in Rikta tithi or in the fourth, ninth and fourteenth days of the lunar month. New moon days are also considered inauspicious for holy or good works. New project should not be started in the Nanda tithi and during pratipada, sixth and eleventh days of a lunar day.

New business plans should not be finalized during three days before and after a planet is combust and rising. In shubh muhurat the avoidance of khshay tithi is also necessary.

To avoid failure, a person should not start a new task in the fourth, eighth and twelfth sign of a Moon from his birth sign. A child’s admission in school should be avoided in Devshayan (when Gods are sleeping) period.

According to muhurat it is very inauspicious to lend money on Wednesdays and borrow money on Tuesdays. While purchasing a new vehicle it should be ensured that the Moon is not situated in the Ghaat sign from your birth sign.