Mars in 12 houses
Dr. Arun Bansal | 02-Apr-2015
Views: 7570First House
Pushful and aggressive, stubborn, fear from iron/fire/wooden-stick, sufferings from
spouse and children, ambitious, ailment of private parts, wealthy, famous, delay in
marriage till 27th year of age, widower, charm attracts opposite sex, never hesitates to
pick up a quarrel even with boss, blood-disease, mole on private parts, frequent travel,
stomach and teeth trouble in the childhood, head-injury, ill at the age of 5, angry,
suffering, difficult to convince him. If at the Sandhi of 1st and 2nd house –definite throat
problem, delay in achieving the objectives, irritation in the navel, no endurance to cope
with prolonged hardships. Devoid of happiness from mother, very hard worker but
If Saturn is in 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, or 8th, houses – never caught while accepting bribe. If in
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio or Pisces sign – spouse suffers. If in own sign or
debilitated – gets very important position. If with Sun or Saturn – jealous of mother. If
with malefics/ benefics – short lived, eyes trouble, windy problems. If in Scorpio or
Capricorn sign – healthy, long lived, famous, If in Cancer or Pisces sign – wicked,
drunkard. If aspect of Moon of Libra sign – cruel. If with lord of 2nd house – ear trouble.
If with Rahu – hydrocele. If aspected by Saturn and Sun – small pox, handicapped.
In female horoscope – head injury, naughty, mentally disturbed, neurological problem,
eye troubles, priggish, blood – disease, devoid of marital happiness, separation from
husband, wicked. If on Sandhi of 1st and 2nd house-throat problems. If aspected my
malefics-throat trouble, polio, chances of fall from higher place. If Mars is in Aries,
Scorpio or Capricorn sign – benefic results.
Second House
Complicated nature, interrupts while other person is talking, harsh language, devoid
of wealth, does not maintain cordial relations in family, loser, deligent, eyes and ear
troubles, loss of wealth, loss in the family, fear of theft/ fire/ injury. Sudden death in
family, ugly, illiterate, in service of wicked persons, gains in the business of metals and
medicines. Chances of getting employment at the age of 19, ill health at the age of 9,
throat problems, fond of non-veg food, poor, enemity of wicked people, fond of argument
and debate, does not appreciate the importance of things, gains in the business of
civil contractor / machinery/ agriculture/coal/marine trade. Donot succeed as astrologers as malefic results predicted by them are correct whereas benefic results predicted by
them are seldom true.
If debilitated – poor. If in own sign/exalted – beautiful eyes, educated, sudden gains. If
in Scorpio sign – Rajyog, inheritance. If in enemy’s sign/aspected by malefics – eyes
trouble. If with lord of 6th house – eyes trouble. If with Moon – loss of wealth. If in Virgo
sign with Rahu – owner of house in the main period of Mars and sub – period of Sun.
In female horoscope-difficulty in childbearing, loss of wealth/ family, harsh, defect in
speech, quarrelsome, throat problem, looks older than her age, long lived, very sexy,
bald headed, ill health, wicked, poor, dependant on others, jealous, liver problems,
gambler husband.
Third House
Most unfavourable, ill health, irritable, limited income, expenditure much more than
income, sufferings are endless, brave, aggressive, devoid of co-borns, harsh, ascetic,
settles in foreign country, frequent travel, devoid of happiness from younger brother.
Cheat, co-born at the age of 12th and 13th year. Unfavourable for younger co-borns,
co-borns short lived, ear-trouble, danger from vehicle, does not maintain cordial relations
with relatives and neighbors, great problem by signing a document or by giving an
If with Rahu – womanizer. If without aspect of benefics – wicked wife. If in own sign or
with benefics – serious disposition, famous. If in Gemini sign – long lived, ear troubles,
happiness from brothers. If with malefics or aspected by malefics – unfavourable for
elder co-borns. If in Aries sign – astrologer, mathematician, devoid of wealth, mental
agony, madness. If with Jupiter and Saturn or with Jupiter and aspected by Saturn –
ailments of ears, deafness. If with Saturn – ear troubles, mental agony.
In female horoscope – ascetic, healthy, devoid of happiness from brother, sportswoman,
fond of travel, settles in foreign country, runs away from home, lucky, reputed, wicked
sons, serves the saints, impressive, jovial. If Mars is in own sign or exalted –
prosperous. If Saturn is in 11th house and Jupiter aspects ascendant – becomes queen.
Fourth House
Devoid of happiness from mother and sister, gains from government service, beneficial,
settles in foreign country, progeny, opponent of near relatives, sufferings to mother,
heart trouble, danger from fire and thief. Friendship with dark coloured persons, wife
characterless, either wife can kill him or he kills his own wife, Gradual progress in life,
devoid of pleasures in earlier stages of life, differences with father for which mother is
responsible, gains from land even if there is aspect of Mars on fourth house,
unsuccessful in politics, unsuccessful in service, sexual, number of sons, obstinate
mother, makes use of every opportunity that arises, fear from enemies, quarrel at home, sufferings in old age, never stable, never gets mental peace, dark complexion.
If in Sagittarius or Pisces sign – gain from foreign country, benefic. If in Aries, Scorpio
or Capricorn sign – happiness from land and vehicle. If in Libra sign – auspicious. If in
Leo or Capricorn sign – marital happiness. If with Rahu/ Ketu – suicidal tendencies in
main or sub-period of Mars. If in Cancer sign – chest infection, asthma, T.B.
In female horoscope – sufferings to mother, pain in chest and heart, devoid of happiness
of younger brother, angry, pessimistic, devoid of happiness, bulky body, unsuccessful
in fulfilling desires, unreligious, poor, wicked, weakness for opposite sex, sexual,
domestic problems, greedy, immoral.
Fifth House
Always feels hungry, wicked, sinner, angry, number of abortions, deceitful, ill health,
slender, body, playful. Sufferings from progeny, obstacles in education, deligent,
marriage does not takes place even after everything is settled, inauspicious, backbiter,
penalty from government, ailments of private parts. Loss of co-born at the age of 5,
danger from fire at the age of 6. Ambitious, feels jealous, cannot accumulate wealth,
cough and windy problems. Immediately caught while accepting bribe.
If in own sign or exalted – one son suffers from ill health who is also ugly. If Rahu in
Lagna – famous due to melodious voice and singing since childhood. If aspected by
Saturn and Sun – handicapped. If aspected by Jupiter or Venus – loss of first progeny.
If in Cancer sign – son after second marriage. If with malefics – ill health, loss of son,
wicked. If with Saturn – mentally ill. If with lord of 8th house – sinner, brave, adopted
son. If in Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius or Pisces sign – progeny must. If with Saturn or Venus
or Saturn or Ketu – suffers continuously from T.B.
In female horoscope – sinner, characterless, atheist, obstacles in education, asthma,
begets wicked sons/daughters, enjoys the company of wicked people, harmful for coborns.
If in even signs or exalted – only one son, abortions, problems in delivery. If in
Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn – malefic effects are not felt.
Sixth House
Throat troubles, enemies are defeated inspite of being large in numbers, devoid of
happiness of maternal uncle, financial gains, extravagant, feels hungry, angry, debtor,
officer in police or military, ailments of blood, surgery, son at the age of 24, good food,
relations with number of females, more than one marriage. Dispute at the age of 21 or
27, danger from enemy, daughter at the age of 27. Comforts of vehicle, fortunate, loss
from servants, officers are not caught while accepting bribe.
If aspected by malefics – accident. If exalted- fortunate at the age of 18. If debilitated –
ill health, wicked, cheat, death in fight or in war, piles. If in Gemini or Virgo and not aspected by benefics – leprosy. If in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius sign – ailments
of urine, heart and throat. If in Aries, Cancer or Capricorn sign – danger from fire, loss
due and servants. If in Cancer or Pisces sign – pleasure seeker, brings disgrace and
family. If in Aries – inauspicious.
In female horoscope – sound health, opponent, quarrelsome, dispute, destroyer of
enemies, intelligent husband, dense hair, well educated, inauspicious for maternal
relations. If Mars is very weak - ill health.
Seventh House
Wanders from place to place, suffers from enemies, death of wife at young age, ill
health from childhood, penalized by government, harsh, foolish, poor, jealous, wife
dominates, obstacle in marriage till the age of 27, more than one marriage, sexual
relations with foolish or barren female, unnecessary worries, wife does not give due
respect, does not get fame in business. Wife suffers from gynaecological problems,
danger from fire at the age of 16. Danger to spouse at the age of 37.
If with Saturn – unnatural sex. If with Ketu – sexual relations with barren or with female
in menstruation. If combust or debilitated – most inauspicious. If exalted – prosperous,
long lived. If with benefics – widower. If with enemy planets – death of more than one
spouse. If exalted or in own sign – wealthy, happy, only one marriage but chastity of
wife is doubtful. If with malefic planets – backache, more than one marriage. If debilitated
or in enemy’s sign – ill health, sinner. If in Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn sign – marital
happiness. If with Moon and Venus – pleasure seeker. If with Moon – gains in
speculation, gambling, war. If in Cancer sign and with Saturn – beneficial and sincere
spouse. If in Pisces sign – widower. If with Saturn – devoid of spouse – progeny, mentally ill, suffers. If with Venus – ailments in legs. If with Jupiter, separation from
In female horoscope – widow, enemity with spouse, more than one marriage, irregular
menses, ailments of stomach, very sexy, extra – marital affairs ( definite), ugly, wicked
devoid of happiness of spouse, plumply body. If under influence of benefics – not
widow. If Mars in the Aries or Scorpio sign or in Navamsa of Mars – Vaginal disease.
Widow in earlier age provided husband is not suffering from manglik Dasha.
Eighth House
Enemity due to bad behaviour, obstacles, fond of alcohol, licentious, harsh, eye-trouble,
financial crises, piles, inflammation, injury on the lower position of back, angry
disposition, death due to fire, surgery, fortunate after marriage, cannot accumulate
wealth (zero savings), sufferings at the age of 22 and 35, sufferings similar to death at
the age of 25. Seriously ill during the age of 54-56, enemity even with co-borns, chronic
disease and medical treatment is of no use, eye trouble, ailments of blood, wicked, never caught while accepting bribe, always feels hungry.
If in own sign or with benefics – sound health, long- lived. If with malefics – suffers from
T.B. or windy problems. If exalted – benefic. If weak – piles, disease of genital organs,
bleeding. If debilitated and in enemy’s sign – death in water. If exalted – wealthy. If with
Moon – injury from water. If with Sun – suicidal tendency. If with Sun and Saturn –
causes death.
In female horoscope – wicked, piles, injury, accident, wanders from place to place,
extra- marital affairs (definite), injury in the lower portion of back, smuggling, dacoity,
devoid of happiness, ill health, devoid of husband, poor, sufferings, violent, death due
to wound or injury or even husband dies, abortions, widow, separation from husband.
Ninth House
Intelligent, wicked, does not get reward of hard work, jealous, priggish, angry, officer
or leader, famous, opponent of mother, financial crises, unlucky, ascetic, injury by water,
people feel jealous of him, windy problem, sufferings to father at the age of 14. Fortunate
after the age of 28, main person of family, devotee of lord Hanuman in the earlier birth,
wife and self do not have elder brother, devoid of father’s happiness, fear from fire and
poison, violent, relations with preceptor’s wife, fortunate in foreign land, eyes and skin
If aspected by Sun and Saturn – handicapped. If in own sign – extra marital relations,
wealth from son. If with malefics or weak planets – long life. If with benefic or with
friendly planets – favourable results. If exalted – relations with preceptor’s wife. If with
Mercury – atheist. If with benefic planets – senior officer, hunter, honoured by
government. If in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius sign – goes against principles. If in Taurus,
Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces sign – benefic results. If in Cancer sign – troubles
of hips and back. If with Saturn – neurological problem. If with Sun – very famous.
In female horoscope – unlucky, atheist, devoid of happiness from brother, runs away
from home, opponent, does follow other religion, beautiful, ill health, fond of meat/
wine, abandoned by own people, artist, devoid of wealth, famous.
Tenth House
Enjoys high status in society, brings name and fame to family, intelligent, wealthy, poet,
happy, famous, comforts of good vehicles, landlord, long life, officer in police/military,
senior officer, good administrator, financial gains at the age of 28, tremendous
improvement in position after birth, fear of arms at the age of 26 or 28 or 54. Successful
in business, title from govt., adventurous like lion, self-made, liked by females, serves
the great people, brother long-lives, destroyer of maternal uncles, possibility of father’s
death at the age of 18 but the same will not be an obstacle in prosperity.
If in Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio or Capricorn signs – reputed, serves the people,
business of fire arms or arms. If weak – pleasure seeker, does not take responsibility.
If with strong planets – devotee, fortunate, long life of brothers. If under the influence of
benefics or in the sign of benefic planet – success. If under the influence of malefics –
obstacles, problems. If with Jupiter – very fortunate. If in Pisces sign with Mercury –
salvation. If with Sun – fear of death or injury by falling from height. If with Saturn –
employed in prison, police or military.
In female horoscope – devoid of father’s happiness, favourable results if in service,
employed in investigation departments/ anti corruption departments. (If mars is in own
sign or exalted – enjoys high status in these departments), has her own principles and
ways, doubtful chastity. If Mars aspected by strong and benefic planets – important
person in family, wife of officer of high status, helpful to others.
Eleventh House
Wealthy, destroyer of enemies, gain in the business of animals, love of justice, brave,
quarrelsome, angry, priggish, patience, ambitious, enjoys high status, does not suffer.
Gain from government or working with army, palatial house, collections of vehicles/
land/ gold/copper/ coral, melodious voice, fortunate at the age of 24, loss if business
is done from other’s money, gains if own money is used, gains from business of vehicles
and dairy products, fond of good food, always speaks truth, special gains at the age of
24 and 25.
If exalted – extremely fortunate. If with two benefic planets – Maha Raja Yoga. If in
Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn sign or aspected by benefics –
gets the help of friends. If having no benefic aspect – loss through bad characters. If
with Saturn – employed in the prison, police or military. If Jupiter is with Saturn or
aspect of Saturn on Mars and Jupiter – ear problem or deafness.
In female horoscope – wealthy, prosperous, progeny, conveyance, happy, gains, no
desires, good nature, religious, devoted to her husband, abortions.
Twelfth House
Lucky due to brother, destroyer of religion, gets bad name even without doing any
wrong thing, sadness, loss due to cheating or theft, marak of spouse or devoid of
spouse, right eye defective, always under debt but frees himself from debt before
death, quarrelsome, foolish, wicked, handicapped, loss due to animals or theft,
unreliable, fear of being imprisoned, death of brother, unlucky, injured by arms, loss
due to servants, extramarital relations, atheist, sudden death of uncle, pleasure seeker,
sexual but devoid of marital happiness, mother and brother suffer at the age of 28.
If with malefics – hypocrite. If with Ketu – fear of fire at home, death of wife. If in Cancer
or Pisces sign – licentious. If with Venus – wicked, bad deeds, punishment from govt., suffers at the age of 45. If in own sign with Saturn – death due to piles, fistula etc. If in
Leo sign – ups and downs in life, suffers from deadly disease.
In female horoscope – extravagant, eyes problem, foreign travel, short lived, devoid of
marital happiness, ingratitude, devoid of qualities, expenditure for bad cause, fond of
drinks, sexy, always angry, widow, separation, bad character.