Goverdhan Parvat Yatra

Future Point | 01-Jan-2014

Views: 6859

Lord Krishna’s playful & adventurous tales lures everyone till today after so many thousand of years. There is an alluring quality not only in whatever He wears & adorns but in His sagas of doings as well. Whether as a new born baby or as an adult he has a plethora of tales that has captivated millions through time. Born in the constraints of a jail he was shifted overnight to another town to be brought up by a foster mother, who I would call was the most fortunate mother on this planet. His hooliganism with His fellow friends as well as with the entire human folk, His readiness to do anything & everything for the goodness of the people and His Raas Lila as an adolescent has mesmerized generations. As a youth- His Dharma Karma theory not only kept the foundation for that era, but is followed by us till today.

I had heard & read in scriptures the significance of ‘Goverdhan Parvat Yatra’. But it was only now that God bestowed his blessings and helped me to undertake this pious visit to Brij. It is a firm belief that whatever we wish is fulfilled by the Divine Grace of Lord Krishna, if one performs the ritual of the sacred Parikarma of Goverdhan Parvat in the month of the Purushottam Maas.

 It is the month that occurs once in three lunar months, (this year it was from 15th April - 15th May).


People from all corners of the country made the visit to this sacred Parvat to get the blessings from the divinity. As per the scriptures, it is this very divine Parvat that was once held by Lord Krishna on His little finger to save the people of Brij from the wrath of Lord Indra. The Parikarma is performed in the two stages, one is 3 kose in length (9km) and the other is 4 kose long (12km) , making a total of 21 km. People from all the age groups- children to grand parents; from all walks of life- politicians, businessman, saints, stars, high officials to common men; and from different religions start this Yatra with full devotion & enthusiasm whether be bare foot or dandvat. The chanting of the sacred Mantra -Jai Shree Radhey, gives an untiring strength to the devotees who wouldn’t realize the miles and continue with the undying faith.

One can feel in the air the fragrance of that era - when Krishna as a child would have walked the way & played amongst the stones of this divine Parvat. The tales of his childhood that we have heard so much of comes alive. As one walks by the lanes of this old town, the person can witness how every little thing around exudes the holiness. It is like the person is being chased by the God himself. The kadamb trees by the sides of the narrow lanes, the huge havelis all stand pure testament of the era to which the lord belonged. The devotees walking barefoot or dandvat on the concrete roads seemed as comfortable as if lying on the lush green grass of a well prepared garden. The sarovars and the holy temples speak of the serenity. Even the herds of cows that would surprise one with unexpected appearance and the birds sing the saga of the Lords life. One thoroughly enjoys the tea and the famous lussi which when had in the earthen pots mixes the fragrance of the place.

I found myself lost in the purity and genuinity of the surroundings and it seemed as if He is calling out to all His devotees in the form of a magnetic force pushing one to the holy gates of heaven. Completely entranced, forgetting all the miseries and breaking the boundaries that Man himself has created, one sets upon this journey remembering only one name and reciting just one mantra…Radhey Radhey Shyam Mila De….Radhey Radhey!!


with this the quest for eternal values- like love, happiness, peace & fulfillment was over, giving the pilgrims a new lease of life. Jai Shree Radhey
Jai Shree Goverdhan
Jai Shree Krishna
‘Om Namah Bhagvate Vasudevay Namah’