Calculate of your Birth Date
Future Point | 01-Jan-2014
Views: 23992According to Numerology, How's your coming month would be, to calculate it we need only date and month of your birth date, no. of current month and the no. of month after one's last birth date. Suppose your birth date is 19.2.1983 and the current month is May 2009. You have to add.
Birth date = 19
Month = 2
Year =1983
No. of Current month = 5
No. of month after your last birth date = 3
Total 2012
Reduce it to a single digit i.e. no. 5. Thus the month may would be No. 5 for you.
Significators of Numbers are as under -
No. 1 as month :
Good month for new enterprises and new associates. you should concentrate on buying and selling your products. Do some advertising and creative work for profit. Leadership bring success. Your heart will be full of joy and contentment, but try to avoid spending on other people lavishly. Social success will give you happiness and popularity. Take blessing from your father and start your project you will definitely get success in it. A new strength will arise with in you. No. 1 denotes the opening of the new cycle.
No. 2 month :
This is the month of co-operation to start any project. A friendship may blossom into a romance or may turn into a prosperous collaboration. Minor changes may take places in your routine. Your talent and charm could come to the fore front into this month. Try to keep your temper at an even level. Some Vital issues which are in your mind, try to postpone these issues until next month.
No. 3 month :
Be careful not to spend so much money. As a leader of your group you may find yourself in great prestige. Chartered Accountant ad financial advisors have to be extremely careful. New work proposals are worth considering. Students will emerge success in their tests and interviews. You may also get appreciation in literature. Good month for writers. They will express through words and oratory.
No. 4 month :
This is the month for savings and building up for the future. Bring out the ideas that you have been thinking. Make a project or a campaign which will give you a good profit in future. But for this you have to work very hard for some change of place, residence, purchase of a car or an overseas journey will be high on cards. Family members will demand more attention.
No. 5 month :
You will have energy for everything except constructive word. A..... of change and adjustments, but only for the short time. You should try to start your career plans. Friends will admire your abilities Delightful time lie ahead and a lot of opportunities are coming your way. your employment situation may also improve but it is advisable for you use polite words while dealing with higher authorize.
No. 6 month :
This is a month of conflicting energies that might put a bit of stress but its nothing that you cannot handle. You are popular in your circle and make new contacts. The future seems bright when you are committing to look forward. But do not spend so much money better to take of your sources of income. Try to enhance the beauty of your surrounding. It is favourable month for relationships or for the love life. It is better to spend most of your time in nature, beauty and art.
No. 7 month :
You feel detached with your friend and family members but will feel cool. Be grateful for this change. It gives you an opportunity to evaluate that life itself it very challenging. A confrontation should be avoided this month. Poets, artists and fumy and media people will have excellent opportunities to come in their way. Mystic study should also attract you. Mediate and spend some time in the spiritual rituals.
No. 8 as month :
You feel power and energy ding this month. All your business deals will design as you want, the things will work according to your own will power, whether you are a business tycoon or a housewife. Play the role of director and do whatever you have desire to do. You have a potentates to do whatever you have your determination. People close to your heart will be patient, loving and sweet. Journalists publishers, writers and hase who deal will iron leather, steel will have opportunities for expansion in business property dealer will also get a big propt.
No. 9 as mint :
This is an excellent month someone gives you an unexpected opportunity. Spend sometime in the study of occult science your intuition will be very powerful. Do not take an outside advice for answer of your immediate problem. It lies within yourself. You should take care while driving especially on Tuesday's and Saturday. Military personal and police officers will have an excellent month. Sports people also have a good time. Models and Cine artists are in lime light.
So finally the next cycle will come and face it with optimism and with confidence. Be positive in your approach then every time will be good.