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  • Q1. Why am I facing delay in marriage? When will I get married?

  • Q2. Do I have Manglik Dosha in my Kundli? Will it affect my marriage?

  • Q3. Will I have a love marriage or an arranged marriage as per my kundali?

  • Q4. Is it the right time to marry my love partner?

  • Q5. Manglik Dosha Vichar for both Boy and Girl.

  • Q6. Can I have a smooth marriage with my partner?

  • Q7. What is my future after marriage?

  • Q8. Guna Matching of Boy & Girl for marriage.

  • Q9. How compatible will I be with my partner after marriage?

  • Q10. What is the future and quality of my 2nd marriage?

  • Q1. Which career suits me the best as per my Kundli?

  • Q2. When will I get the job of my dreams?

  • Q3. Does my Kundli have suitable Yoga for a government job?

  • Q4. What career prospects do I have for the future?

  • Q5. What suits me the best, Business or Job?

  • Q6. Can I leave my dead-end job for a new one right now?

  • Q7. When can I expect to get promoted in my job?

  • Q8. What is my future in the current field I am at?

  • Q9. Which time period will be the most favorable for my career?

  • Q10. What's the best Job as per my Kundali?

  • Q1. When will my constant health problems cease to exist?

  • Q2. When will my parent's have stable health?

  • Q3. Why am I facing a sudden illness? How long am I going to suffer?

  • Q4. What is my health graph for the next 10 years?

  • Q5. Are there any upcoming health risks predicted in my Kundali?

  • Q6. What health remedies must I follow in order to stay fit as per my horoscope?

  • Q1. Are my finances going to be fine this year?

  • Q2. Do I have Raj Yoga in my Kundali?

  • Q3. How can I find funding for my business?

  • Q4. When will I enjoy a good financial status in life?

  • Q5. How can I save money in my business?

  • Q6. When should I apply for a loan? Will it be approved by the bank?

  • Q1. Can I go abroad for my higher education?

  • Q2. Do I have the yoga in my Kundli to pursue a Ph.D.?

  • Q3. What remedies will help me study better and achieve higher grades?

  • Q4. Which stream should I choose after my 10th?

  • Q3. Why do I constantly face failures in my education field?

  • Q4. What is my Education Graph for life?



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